A Lifetime Of Memories

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Now I have to remember you for longer than I have known you

We met in the springtime, when the blossoms were new

Little did I know, that you'd leave so soon

Now, without you, I'll have to journey alone

Our love was like the sun, bright and endless

It filled my heart with warmth and happiness

But the storms of life, rough and cruel

Tore us apart, and made our love but a jewel

Now I have to remember you for longer than I have known you

Every moment we shared, every smile that grew

I'll hold them close, like precious treasures

For through them, I feel your love that never measure

The sound of your laughter, your voice in my ear

They still ring clear, though you're no longer here

The touch of your hand, it's warmth and softness

Still linger on, like a fond caress

Now I have to remember you for longer than I have known you

The memories of us, my heart won't let go, it's true

The way you'd look at me, with such tenderness

Made me feel like the luckiest, and blessed

Our walks by the shore, under the stars at night

The way you'd dance with me, under the moonlight

Little things, unknowingly, became so meaningful

Now, they're all I have, but they're so beautiful

Now I have to remember you for longer than I have known you

For as long as I live, those memories will be my glue

They will hold me together, when I feel like falling apart

And comfort me, when great sadness rips my heart

I'll remember you in the rain, when drops fall softly

In the dew on the grass, in the wind that blows sweetly

In the colors of autumn leaves, in the winter's cold

In every sunrise, in every sunset of gold

Now I have to remember you for longer than I have known you

Though you're gone, your love feels like it still anew

I'll keep you alive in my heart, for eternity

And honor your memory, with love and dignity

Goodbye, my love, until we meet again

My heart aches, but I know, you're not in pain

I'll cherish our memories, and hold them close

And when I'm gray, they'll still be my rose

Now I have to remember you for longer than I have known you

And though it hurts, I'll never let go of what's true

For you're etched in my heart, and in my soul

And there, you'll live forever, whole.

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