Illusion of Truth

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Everything is real, but not everyone is true,
In a world filled with illusion and confusion,
A place where nothing is as it seems,
And the truth is often just a fleeting dream.

We search for meaning in a sea of lies,
And hope to find what we seek before we die,
The truth is hidden, elusive and sly,
And we all wonder why.

We wear masks to hide our true intent,
And say things we don't really meant,
We play games, and we manipulate,
Until the truth becomes too late.

In a world where perception is reality,
The truth is a forgotten casualty,
We twist and turn, and we deceive,
Believing that this is how we can achieve.

We all want to be accepted and loved,
But fear of the truth keeps us shoved,
The truth is scary, it cuts like a knife,
And leaves us vulnerable to a greater strife.

We bury the truth in layers of denial,
And hope that it will blend with the other trials,
Yet, even when we fake it and pretend,
The truth will always rise up in the end.

We lie to ourselves, our friends, and our foes,
And build up walls around us like everyday pros,
We tell ourselves stories to get through the day,
And act as if the truth doesn't matter in any way.

We live in a world that's lost its way,
Where the truth is hidden by the things we say,
We hide behind our fears and our doubts,
And never dare to truly figure things out.

We believe that the world owes us a favor,
And that the truth is just a far-off savior,
We think we can handle the truth in due time,
Yet in reality, we're just avoiding the climb.

The truth is a complex and tricky thing,
It can be harsh, cruel, and unforgiving,
It can also heal and make us whole,
But only if we're willing to pay the ultimate toll.

Being true to ourselves is a noble goal,
But it takes guts and courage to make it our role,
We must rise above the things that we fear,
And embrace the truth, no matter how dear.

In the end, everything is real, but not everyone is true,
The world is a vast and confusing brew,
Yet, if we strive to be true to ourselves,
In time, we'll find the hidden treasures and wealth.

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