To Be Trusted

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To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved,
For love is a fleeting emotion and can be easily shoved,
But trust is a foundation that stands the test of time,
It is a bond that is unbreakable, a relationship sublime.

Trust is the belief in someone's honesty and integrity,
It is the assurance that they will never betray your loyalty,
It requires vulnerability and the courage to let go of fears,
To open up and share your heart, to wipe away your tears.

Trust is not easily earned, it is a precious commodity,
It requires consistent actions, a word kept with authority,
It demands honesty and transparency in every conversation,
It is the cornerstone of every successful relationship's foundation.

To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved,
It is the ultimate display of respect, a rare gift from above,
It is being able to rely on someone, to lean on them in times of need,
To know that they will always be there, a constant loving feed.

Trust is a delicate balance, it is a fragile thing,
It can be easily broken, shattered with just one sting,
It takes time to build and seconds to destroy,
Like a fragile vase, it must be handled with care, with tenderness and joy.

To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved,
For trust is the glue that holds all of our relationships above,
It is a sacred bond that is hard to come by and even harder to keep,
But once you've earned it, it is a treasure that you can forever reap.

Trust is not just a word, it is a way of life,
It is a constant reminder to be kind, to be loving, to be rife,
With honesty and above all, with the willingness to forgive,
For trust is not immune to mistakes, it requires us to live.

To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved,
For love can come and go, but trust is a constant that remains unmoved,
It is a blessing that we should cherish, a gift that we cannot ignore,
For to be trusted is to be valued, to be loved, to be adored.

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