In Between Life

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Not happy, not sad, just living,

In the space between the highs and lows,

Where emotions are muted,

And thoughts come and go like passing clouds.

Days blend into one another,

Marked only by the flicker of the clock,

As time marches on, relentlessly,

Unmoved by our sorrows or our joys.

The world outside my window,

Moves on in its relentless march,

People rush to and fro,

Unaware of my quiet existence.

It's easy to feel invisible here,

Lost in the shuffle of everyday life,

A solitary soul adrift in a sea of faces,

Longing for something more, something different.

But there is comfort in the sameness,

In the familiar rhythms of the mundane,

In the routine that gives structure,

To a life that might otherwise fray at the edges.

I find pleasure in simple things,

A cup of tea, a good book, a quiet moment alone,

Small pleasures that bring a sense of peace,

That make the in-between life worthwhile.

It's not a grand or glamorous existence,

No epic quests or soaring triumphs,

Just the steady plodding of days,

And the slow, unremarkable march of time.

But sometimes, in the quiet of the night,

When the world outside is hushed,

I feel something stir within me,

A restlessness, a yearning, a longing to break free.

To leap into the unknown,

To embrace the wildness of life,

To trade the safety of the in-between,

For the untamed chaos of the world beyond.

But then the morning comes,

And with it the familiar routine,

The rhythm of the in-between life,

That welcomes me back into its comforting fold.

And so, I continue on,

Not happy, not sad, just living,

In the space between the highs and lows,

Trusting that someday, somehow,

The world outside will beckon me forward,

And I will find the courage to answer its call.

Unspoken Melodies: Poems That SingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum