Endless Embrace

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Our time together was never enough,
Your touch, your kiss, your love so pure and true,
My heart ached for more, for eternity's touch,
But alas, time bound us, with each passing moment anew.

In your arms, I found solace and serenity,
A place of safety and a love that knew no end,
But fate had other plans, and time's frailty
Stole you away, my lover, my friend.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months,
And yet my heart refused to believe,
That you were gone, lost in time's hunts,
My soul cried out, refusing to grieve.

Until one night, a dream so vivid and clear,
Where you appeared, smiling, and speaking softly to my ear,
"Darling, fear not, for our love transcends time's mere,
We'll love again, in a place where time doesn't exist, my dear."

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