Shattered Pieces of My Heart

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You didn't just break promises,
You broke me too.
Left me with a shattered heart,
And no idea what to do.

I thought our love was strong,
Built on trust and honesty.
But then you went and shattered it,
With your infidelity.

You promised to always be true,
To love me till the end of time.
But then you turned and walked away,
Leaving me with nothing but rhyme.

I tried to hold on tight,
To keep our love alive.
But you didn't seem to care,
And all I did was strive.

You didn't just break promises,
You shattered my soul.
Leaving me feeling empty,
With a heart that's no longer whole.

I tried to pick up the pieces,
Tried to glue them back together.
But every time I tried,
My heart would just shatter.

You didn't just break promises,
You broke my trust in love.
Leaving me feeling helpless,
In a world I can't rise above.

I thought that love was real,
That it would never end.
But then you proved me wrong,
And left me with no friend.

I thought that you were different,
That you were my everything.
But then I found out the truth,
And it all came crashing in.

You didn't just break promises,
You broke my will to live.
Leaving me to slowly die,
With nothing left to give.

I thought that I could make it,
That I could somehow cope.
But then I found out that you,
Had already given up hope.

You didn't just break promises,
You shattered my belief.
In love and all it stood for,
Left me with only grief.

I thought that love was beautiful,
That it would last forever.
But then you showed me different,
And my heart cried out never.

You didn't just break promises,
You shattered my whole world.
Leaving me with nothing left,
But a shattered heart that's swirled.

I thought that I could move on,
That I could start anew.
But then I realized that,
I never really loved you.

You didn't just break promises,
You broke my very core.
Leaving me to slowly die,
With nothing left to adore.

I thought that you were perfect,
That you were my prince in white.
But then you proved me wrong,
And left me in the night.

You didn't just break promises,
You shattered my very dreams.
Left me with nothing to hold on to,
But a world that's not what it seems.

I thought that our love was real,
That it could never end.
But you shattered it to pieces,
And left me with nothing to mend.

You didn't just break promises,
You broke me too.
Left me with a shattered heart,
And nothing left to do.

But I'll pick up the pieces,
I'll glue them back again.
And with a heart that's still beating,
I'll learn to love again.

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