Alone But Better

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It's better this way,
A little lonelier but better
To be left with only the sound of silence,
Than the clanging of shallow laughter.

It's better to be alone,
With only the quiet company of solitude
Than to be surrounded by shallow friends,
Who betray you with their false platitude.

It's better to walk alone,
Than to be dragged along by others
Their path may lead you astray,
Away from your own true colors.

It's better to gaze at the stars,
In awe of their twinkling beauty
Than to be blinded by the neon lights,
Of the city's false sense of duty.

It's better to embrace the silence,
To read your favorite book in peace
Than to be bombarded by social media,
And its fake acts of kindness and release.

It's better to take a long walk,
In the midst of hills and the green
Than to walk down crowded streets,
With noise as the only scene.

It's better to be alone,
Than to be trapped in a group of liars
Better to get hurt with the truth,
Than to live within comforting desires.

It's better to have few friends,
But true ones who cherish your being
Than to have a horde of fake ones,
Who only care for what they are seeing.

It's better to be lonely,
Than to be trapped in a toxic crowd
The peace of mind and soul is better,
Than the storm of love unendowed.

It's better to be yourself,
In the midst of your own solitude
Than to put on masks of happiness,
And live in falsehood and attitude.

It's better to seek inner peace,
And trust in the strength inside of you
Than to look for it in others,
Who may let you down in the end, it's true.

It's better this way,
A little lonelier but better
To find the essence of your own being,
And live life in freedom, like a letter.

So go ahead and embrace the beauty,
That lies in the depths of solitude
And discover the light of yourself,
In the darkness, you'll find your fortitude.

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