The Burden of Regrets

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How do we forgive ourselves
For all the things that we did not become?
For all the roads we did not take
And all the dreams that we forsake?

We carry the weight of our regrets
Like a heavy burden that we cannot forget
The should-haves, could-haves, and would-haves
That haunt us like ghosts in shallow graves.

We wonder what if we had chosen differently?
What if we had followed our hearts more boldly?
What if we had dared to take risks and chances?
Would our lives be better, full of romance and dances?

Yet, the past is a place where we cannot dwell
It's a closed chapter, a story we cannot retell
We must accept our shortcomings with grace
And learn to move on at our own pace.

Forgiving ourselves is a lifelong process
A journey of self-discovery and progress
It's about letting go of our self-blame
And embracing who we are without shame.

We must learn to love our imperfections
And find beauty in our unique collections
Of scars, struggles, and lessons learned
For they make us who we are, a masterpiece unearned.

It's about acknowledging our own worth
And understanding that we are enough
Even if the world may not see us that way
We must believe in ourselves day by day.

Forgiving ourselves is not a one-time event
But a continuous process, an ongoing ascent
Towards self-acceptance and self-love
A gift we give ourselves, a new treasure trove.

So let go of your regrets, my dear
And learn to forgive yourself without fear
For in this moment, you have a choice
To let your spirit rise and find your voice.

You are not defined by what you did not become
But by how you face your challenges, one by one
You are stronger than your doubts and fears
And your destiny is yours to steer.

How do we forgive ourselves, you ask?
We start by accepting our past and our task
To love ourselves even if it seems hard
For it's the first step to creating a new yard.

A yard full of blooms, a garden of hope
Where we can nurture ourselves and learn to cope
With life's uncertainties and ups and downs
For we are enough, with no need to drown.

So forgive yourself, my dear, and let go
Of the things that you did not become, although
They may have seemed important at the time
Your inner flame will still brightly shine.

The burden of regrets will no longer weigh
On your shoulders, nor will it lead you astray
For you have found a newfound freedom
To be who you are, with no need for permission.

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