The Weight of Words

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I often wonder deep within
As I walk along this life
How many truly hate me
'cause of a story, or misjudgment rife

For every word we speak
Affect the souls around us
And if they're cold or kind
Is a decision that shouldn't be a fuss

But humans aren't so perfect
And we judge based on hearsay
We believe the tale - no questions asked
And never once even think to weigh

The words that come our way
But what if the story was false
What if the people talking are no good
And this reality is the ultimate loss

We've all been in this place
Where we're hated without being known
We're the villain of a plot that's untrue
And the burden sits within, heavy as stone

For people are so easy to hate
Without giving the chance to prove wrong
We succumb to the narratives
And we end up singing the hated song

It's sad, oh so sad
To think that we are so small
That the smallest whisper can mar us
And make our standing so minuscule

Misjudgment builds bad souls
It creates a world full of chaos and strife
It's the plague of the human mind
And we carry it with us into every new life

So hear me when I say
That the next time you hear a tale
Think twice before you judge
Lest you let your judgment fail

The people we meet every day
Are just like you and me
They're fighting battles no one knows
And they don't deserve unfounded enmity

So let's spread compassion
And love in every single way
Be the change you want to see
And stand up against the fray

For you never know, my friend
How much someone needs your light
To shine a little brighter
And overcome the darkness of this life

Misjudgment is just that
A story with no real weight
It's up to us to choose
To believe or set things straight

So, let's end this paradox
Of hating without a clue
And instead, let's build something great
And become a world anew.

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