◆Chapter 121◇ (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Monoma-Kun..." Izuku said. "Phantom Thief...!"

"Is incapacitated," Miyuki informed him, gut wrenching with worry for the blonde boy, Aizawa, and Manual. "Which means that –"

"Erasure has been nullified!" Izuku exclaimed. Miyuki winced as black tattooes scattered across her back like paint. She collapsed to her knees, clutching her chest, shield dissipating like dust in front of them. "Yuki-Chan!"

"Nevermind me," she quickly responded, standing up as if nothing happened at all. Izuku nodded, although hesitantly, returning to face the villain standing across from them. "Right now, the situation's getting more and more dire."

"If things continue like this, the strongest villain will escape," Izuku said, alarmed. "If U.A. falls to the ground then Japan... No, the whole world will be destroyed by his hands!"

Miyuki squinted her eyes as she watched her brother's body straighten up.

"Why'd you ask... if I'm still here...?" Zin questioned darkly, a manic look wreaked across his expression. "Do you wanna ask my permission to be her boy-toy replacement? Jeez... When are you gonna get a clue, heroes... there's nothing you can do. I'm..." his dry mouth curled into a malicious smile.

"Your nemesis, after all."

"...That was Akihiko's personality!" Miyuki said, an icy chill piercing her heart.

"If U.A. really does fall, Yaoyorozu-San and the others will... I have to stop it from crashing!" Izuku resolved. "But I also need to stop Kurogiri so Zin doesn't escape! Aah, it's no good! I can't breathe...!" Izuku grit his teeth. "That's a drawback of this strengthened Gearshift! If I don't let my cells rest, I won't be able to breathe!"

"Don't worry yourself so much like that..."

Izuku looked up, the second user's voice quietening slightly when the half-and-half girl lightly touched his shoulder as she stepped in front of him.

"That's what we are all here for, so... don't try being the hero all by yourself, Izuku. You're not alone in this war."

She crossed her arms over her chest, fingers crossed. Her eyes glowed again, streaks of light reappearing around her body and a twister of shadows swirling around her feet. Almost instantly, blood oozed from her cracks and tattooes again

"Wait a second, Yuki-Chan... if you keep using your Quirk like this you'll..." Izuku's eyes widened with panic. Katsuki's dead eyes flashed before him and his blood turned cold. "No, stop! You've already gone past your limits. Doing this will! –"

"Don't worry." Despite the stiffness and pain of her movements, Miyuki smiled at him over her shoulder. "I won't die today. It's what I'm here for..."

The black and white streak that had gone through the shield moved even faster now, changing trajectory towards the sun. A shadow formed over it. Little by little, the sky darkened as a solar eclipse began. 

"Shadow Shikigami: Amaterasu... Kronos!"

The building's of the school groaned. The entire structure tilted, ever so slightly, shadows converging around it to form a man, a little taller than her previous Shikigami, adorned in a Grecian robe. His beard went past his waist and his eyes shone as brightly as the sun. A bright spear strapped across his chest, 'Minutes' written across it in Kanji, and a shorter, darker one was at his hips, 'Hours' scrawled upon it.

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