Ch:62 (Fu village)

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ShuîYuê woke up the next morning with a dull ache in her body, she squinted her eyes at the delicate light flashing the room before Yìfēi's sleeping figure appeared in her hazy vision, she gulped feeling pain in the back of her throat, sitting up slowly she drank some water placing the empty cup on the table groggily which fell waking up Yìfēi who immediately bombarded Water Master with questions,

" I am fine, just tired," ShuîYuê assured in a soar voice

" We are leaving tomorrow. You'll lay here and rest all day, got it?" Yìfēi asked with a serious tone,

" Hmmm," Water Master hummed, closing her eyes,

The next morning they left Lord Ping's house and reached the Capital city in the afternoon, Water Master was excused from greeting the Emperor since she was sick, ShuîYuê was better than yesterday her body was still aching but she was feeling better than before, lying on her bed she stared up at the ceiling deep in thought, she thought back to why she fainted suddenly, surely she had weakness from blood loss and a fever from the sudden climate change, but couldn't figure the reason of fainting so suddenly,
She received a letter informing her of visiting Eastern Palace in two days,

The next morning they left Lord Ping's house and reached the Capital city in the afternoon, Water Master was excused from greeting the Emperor since she was sick, ShuîYuê was better than yesterday her body was still aching but she was feeling bett...

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Side hall of Eastern Palace

The Crown prince sat on his seat reading through scrolls when Song Yan rushed inside, " Delegates from North borders are here," Song Yan informed bowing his head, GuānYû gestured for him to let them inside,

Lord Gao's man entered the room bowing his head, " A hundred peace to His Highness, Crown prince," he wished,

" At Ease," GuānYû said going back to reading the scroll, Lord Gao's delegate furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he stood up straight, The Crown prince of Heaven was sitting at the back of the room reading some scrolls,

" We brought some small gifts for His Highness," the delegate spoke as his servants handed the boxes to Song Yan and some attendants,

Song Yan smiled brightly, " I thank you from His Highness's side,"

" I would like to present our letter," the delegate spoke with a bow,

" Go ahead," Song Yan urged,

" But His Highness seems to be occupied with scrolls," the delegate said with a crossed look on his face. They travelled so far only to receive this sort of treatment,

" Other officials are here, they are not occupied," Song Yan informed pointing over to the Crown prince's right where an ebony-tall lady stood, the delegate observed her, she was speaking to the Crown prince,

" Bu-"

" There are four officials, I am sure they'll listen," Song Yan insisted as he left with the gifts, the servants who had followed the delegate from North borders gave each other annoyed looks from the lack of attention they were receiving,

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