Ch: 37 (Water Master's nightmare)

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Wudu Palace, West Chambers

Wudu Palace, West Chambers

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Jade couldn't count the number of times she had visited this place, she was here to deliver the letter sent from Senior official Jang to Water Master's room, it was an hour after dinner, she had just finished cleaning the tables and had returned from a shower and was just about to snuggle in her blanket and sleep the night away when Aunt Rong Pei told her to deliver this letter to Water Master, it was an urgent one, she grumbled under her breath she was really tired from working all day, and when she was just about to sleep she gets more work,

She wasn't annoyed by the fact that she was visiting Water Master's room, that was the only chance she got to stare at her Master without being caught by anyone around, but she was still a bit worried of annoying Water Master, she had managed to not irritate her since the last time which was probably around two months ago, but she could never trust Water Master and her moods, she had made some progress in her imaginary relationship as she would like to put it, as Water Master didn't mind Jade entering or leaving her study to drop scrolls, letters, tea or her medicines,

Jade believed that Water Master must have been used to Jade by now, she parted the curtains of ShuîYuê's study and padded inside the dark room, ' Why are all the lamps extinguished?' She wondered as her eyes noticed the window wide open, strong wind fluttering the curtains of the room, ' Master works late at night, why didn't Souxin JîeJîe close the windows, what if Master catches a cold ?' Jade thought shutting the window as she found matches and lit the lamps around the room, She took one in her hands and walked towards the back of the room where Water Master's lap table was situated,

She couldn't seen clearly in the dark room as it was a new moon night, Water Master preferred natural light to that of lamps, she crouched down bringing the lamp in front of her only to retreat it back as it was mere inches from Water Master's face, ' I could have hurt her,' Jade thought shaking her head at her own carelessness,

Her Master was fast asleep, her head on the paper she was correcting, ' Someone needs to take care of her, she's so overworked, her injuries haven't healed and yet she has to work in this condition,' Jade felt a need to care for her Master, Jade stared at her face which made Jade feel stupid, ShuîYuê's cheek was squished by the hard table, Jade had to control her hands so she wouldn't pinch those cute chubby cheeks and then get a death sentence, her eyes glanced down to Water Master's shoulder which was bare, her hanfu had slipped and was resting against her arm, Jade could see the horrible stitches along the length of her arm, She gently got a hold of Water Master's hanfu and brought it to her shoulder, covering it,

Jade was unable to deny her growing feelings, first she thought that she was so smitten by Water Master because she was cool and hot, but Jade realised slowly that Water Master was much more than just cool or hot, she was a mystery that Jade wanted to solve, she had never seen her Master relax for once, Jade had never seen her laughing because she was amused, her Master was really uptight always professional and aloof, the only times she got to see Water Master's authentic self was only around Wind Master and Prince Jīnyú, even in front of them she was always cool and someone they can always rely on, someone who was there for them even if Hell broke loose,

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