Ch: 19 (The crowning commences )

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Yìfēi looked around nervously she stood at the
back of the group with Earth Master in the front and Xiàn Fèng to the right, the only empty spot was to the left which was ShuîYuê's who was no where in sight,
'Crown Prince would come here any second. Where is she?' she thought to herself as the gods answered her prayers she saw ShuîYuê in front of her to the left who looked pissed off for some reason.

Yìfēi whispered, "Where in the hell have you been? You know I had to fake being thirsty so many times to draw time so you would come!"

ShuîYuê handed her three beads, "Jīnyú gave them to me, pass it along." she grumbled, so Yìfēi did as Xiàn Fèng accepted it with a smile, and Shù Zìrán took it reluctantly.

"Tell me now where in the hell were you?" Yìfēi asked again carefully to make sure no one was eavesdropping.

"No where."


"Crown Prince was being so mean to Jīnyú."

"So you were arguing with him?" Yìfēi asked in disbelief.

"What was I supposed to do? listen to him while nodding my head!" ShuîYuê whispered back furiously.

"He's Crown Prince! You can't have him annoyed at you YueYue, if it has escaped your not so apparent sharp brain Senior official Wu Yu is still crossed with you for not collecting tax from southwestern coast,
stop going around pissing people off, specially people in power." Yìfēi warned in a whisper.

Her bestfriend shot her a glare, "I don't care who he is, he cannot talk shit about Jīnyú."

"So much for calling me hot-headed." Yìfēi whispered knowing her bestfriend couldn't tolerate anything against that Prince. Yìfēi liked him to bits but she knew her bestfriend was clever enough to not get involved with royalty given their temperaments, and ShuîYuê had always been cautious, but all that seemed to vanish for Jīnyú. Yìfēi knew why her bestfriend was so hell bent on protecting and training him, he had made Yìfēi smile after a long time who was depressed at that moment, and knowing ShuîYuê and the illegal things she had done without an ounce of fear for Yìfēi she knew Jīnyú wasn't going back to Central Palace unless he wanted to.

ShuîYuê was about to argue with her,
"Water Master please move to the side." ShuîYuê turned around to see Ling Wen with Crown prince behind her, "He needs to pass through the center." she explained.

ShuîYuê moved aside a little too much if you asked Yìfēi, who knew she was angry at Crown prince, but she should be careful with her behaviour. 'What if he gets angry? then I'll have to fight him alongside YueYue.' Yìfēi thought decidedly. The opening ceremony began as the four elementals walked around the Crown prince, escorting him to the Martial hall. Many people watched them eyes glued to their every move.

Martial Hall was shimmering with beauty, sheer golden curtains hugged the columns like a lover embracing her beloved, a long red carpet spread on it's marble shining floor, all hundred and fifteen officials containing senior and juniors stood on either side of the humongous Martial Hall. Emperor Jun Wu sat on his throne adorned in golden and red robes of silk and satin, waiting for his son to enter, a group of maids sprinkled a sweet perfume around the Martial Hall in regular intervals, whispers of officials and the jingle of jewelleries kept the Martial Hall alive.

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