Ch: 41 (Banquet at Martial Hall)

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Side hall of Central Palace

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Side hall of Central Palace

Ghost King and Jun Wu sat opposite to each other,

" You'll present gifts to the officials and elementals, and I will keep a banquet in the honour of our peace treaty," Jun Wu announced

" Yes," Ghost King said simply

" If you need financial aid for the gifts you can ask Lin Wen, she'll bring you money," Jun Wu sneered arrogantly

" And if you need financial aid for the banquet, you can ask Bāo YànQīng she'll bring you money," Chéng Huá replied swiftly

Emperor clenched his teeth as Ghost King left, ' I'll embarrass you at the banquet so badly you'll never even think about leaving your hut,' Jun Wu thought to himself as he smirked,

Yìfēi was once again happy, Why? There's a banquet, so new clothes and jewellery, and they'll receive gifts too from the ghosts as a peace treaty. She very excitedly thought about the various combinations of her dress for the banquet,

ShuîYuê had once again been dragged to this horrible idea of a banquet where there would be all the officials who worked at the Martial hall along with their juniors, so many people, nope She wasn't going, she'd pretend to be sick and find an excuse to not attend the banquet.

While ShuîYuê planned her convincing act of performance to avoid the banquet, Yìfēi barged into her room, " YueYue, you and I are going to wear complimentary colours," she commanded, her voice authoritative

" Yìfēi I can't go. I have this really important business to take care of in the northwest, so I'll be busy. You go to the banquet and enjoy," ShuîYuê informed, leaving the room

Yìfēi was having none of it. Nope, she isn't gonna fall for this again, ShuîYuê had successfully fooled Yìfēi for the past three years when it came to attending the banquet. Not this time!

" Oh, what business? I have sent Yu Han there already for it," Yìfēi replied, crossing her arms,

ShuîYuê frowned. 'Wait, why didn't I know that Yu Han was already there ?' She thought, confused

" It'll be too tough for him. I'll help him," ShuîYuê batted her eyes at Yìfēi who looked cold as ice,

" You little! I won't have any of your bullshit we are going that's final," Yìfēi snapped

ShuîYuê frowned angrily, " I don't want to go,"

" Why are you so afraid of crowds ?" Yìfēi asked her hands on her hips

" Crowds are scary, and I'll embarrass myself," ShuîYuê mumbled, turning her back to Yìfēi,

" I'll be by your side, okay? It won't be bad," Yìfēi assured gently

Ghost King had already sent gifts to all of the officials and elementals at their manors, they were supposed to wear something from the gifts as a sign of their support for the peace treaty ( Jun Wu's pathetic ideas)

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