Ch: 36 (Stubborn to accept help)

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" Anyways, I haven't gone out of the palace in the last few days, so you tell me where what's special to buy ? " he asked after a while,

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" Anyways, I haven't gone out of the palace in the last few days, so you tell me where what's special to buy ? " he asked after a while,

" Well you can buy the best herbs and medicines in the North, Earth Master's territory specialises in those areas, if you want to buy food, weapons or rare items like artifacts or just weird things the East is the best, Xiàn Fèng's place sells the best food, the best clothes and jewellery are sold in the South, their rainbow satin and gemstones are of very good quality ! " she replied much more excited for the South territory.

" Wind Master sure dresses up brightly," Ghost King stated simply as she smiled brightly,

" Yìfēi is the best when it comes to fashion, she knows what goes best with what, and she's really good at decorating any place !" Water Master remarked cheerfully, Wind and Water Master were best friends, his informant had told him .

" What do they sell in the West ?" he asked suddenly,

" Nothing special," she fiddled with her sleeves, looking away

" Still, I want to know," He pressed on, he wanted her to feel that he was more curious about her than the other elementals,

" Just books and small things," she answered, looking at the fishes who swam around each other as she poked a twig in the water, the fishes doged the attack easily,

" What kind of books ?" he asked, interested

" Anything, there's a lot of options," she replied simply

" Do you have some traditions here ?" He questioned curiously,

" I don't understand your question," she shook her head,

" Well- he leaned his head against the trunk of the tree- in Hell there is a tradition of gifting one's ashes to their beloved," he explained watching her solemn expression,

" I didn't know Hell had such sentimental traditions," she remarked softly,

" Don't you have some here ? In Heaven," Ghost King inquired picking a fallen leaf from the ground as he twirled it in his fingers,

ShuîYuê thought about it for a while, she hadn't come across any such traditions in Heaven other than what she learned from her parents precisely her mom, perfume pouches were sewn for children by the mother on Dragon boat festival eating Zongzi, drinking realgar wine, eating mooncakes together with family and worshipping the moon for Mid-autumn festival, making rice wine and tangyuan for Winter solstice, cleaning the house and decorating it with lanterns and fortune papers with reunion dinners and red envelopes as well as visiting relatives for New years, making and lighting lanterns for lantern festival, offerings to ancestors on ghost festival month, other than this ShuîYuê wasn't sure there were other traditions not that she was aware of them,

" I don't think I know any such traditions," she answered after a while

" It's getting late," he said, standing up, Water Master stood up as well hissing in pain her knees were bruised, and it hurt to keep her leg straight .

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