Ch: 53 (A Perfect Name)

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Crown Prince's study

Water Master turned the page of a book she had taken from the bookshelf when she heard footsteps, she quietly placed the book back in its place before standing up properly, Crown prince entered the room followed by Song Yan, " Water Master, I need...

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Water Master turned the page of a book she had taken from the bookshelf when she heard footsteps, she quietly placed the book back in its place before standing up properly, Crown prince entered the room followed by Song Yan, " Water Master, I need you to write down all the crucial information from these books and record files, an official of trade needs the records and business boosters of last five years," Crown prince told as Song Yan placed a hoard of books on a table, Water Master looked at them with an uneasy face, " I hope you are free today? It's your day off I am aware but Main port catching fire and all the other incidents need immediate attention, and other officials are all busy," he added as Water Master gave him a half-hearted smile while nodding her head, " Song Yan will be here if you need anything, I have a meeting to attend, I'll see you later," he added before leaving,

ShuîYuê stared at the stack of books around her table, ' And I planned to sleep the whole day what rotten luck do I have, sitting here going over books on a day off!' She thought crying mentally,

" Water Master please let me know if you need anything," Song Yan reminded as ShuîYuê nodded her head,

" Lavender tea, steeped for ten minutes no sweeteners, and some strawberries, thank you," she said, sitting down and picking a book to start working on,

Water Master worked diligently, it was late evening and she still had two more books to go through, Song Yan had just brought her dinner which she had scarfed down five minutes ago and was back to work, an hour had passed by and as the dinner began to digest ShuîYuê was having difficulty keeping her eyes open, she shook her head as she wrote the important points from the second last book,

GuānYû sighed loudly as he shut the door to his study, " Goodness, what a long day, so many trips here and there not to mention listening to Senior official Wu Yu's blabbering all day," he grumbled to himself, " I want to sleep already, When Can I have a holiday?" He asked out loud,

" Your Highness, Your bath is ready," Song Yan informed, bowing his head as GuānYû walked away,

Song Yan was helping the Crown prince to bathe,
" Song Yan, did you keep the report scrolls I sent carefully?" Crown prince questioned as Song Yan washed his hair,

" Yes, Your Highness, Miss Ling Wen also delivered a detailed report of Changan, please have a look at it," Song Yan informed pouring water infused with rose oil into the Crown prince's hair,

" I'll see that tomorrow," the Crown prince told, feeling the stiffness of his muscles wash away with the water,

Song Yan nodded his head, " Was His Highness's day good?" He asked, rubbing a towel over GuānYû's shoulders,

" It was the usual, boring and tiring," the Crown prince answered as he stepped out of his bath, Song Yan had left so the Crown prince could change, " Song Yan!" The Crown prince called, the man in question came running inside,

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