Ch: 22 (Uneven breaths)

43 8 77

Martial Hall of Emperor Jun Wu

The crowning was stopped mid way as the entire floor shook, officials grabbed each other, trying to keep balance. "They are attacking the gates." Ling Wen informed hurriedly.

"Your Majesty! Please think once again the people are being killed." senior official Wu Yu pleaded.

"Yes, Your Majesty, please reconsider the crowning." senior official Jang pleaded as well.

"The elementals are fighting against powerful ghosts Your Majesty, and they won't be able to hold them off for long." a guard informed.

Jun Wu pursed his lips in a thin line, "Your Majesty, please postpone it for now, the people are dying innocent deaths." Ling Wen suggested as the temperature rised drastically in the Martial Hall. An official casted a protection spell that saved everyone from the high temperature
"It's Fire Master who's fighting." Ling Wen said to no one in particular.

Everything stopped for a second before a huge wave was felt, which shook everyone as the beautiful chandlers broke to pieces.
"Father," GuānYû spoke, "Please stop the crowning." he pleaded.

"But you have waited a long time for it, son." Jun Wu replied.

"I have waited to be crowned but the lives of the people are much more important than my crowning." he went on his knees, "I request Your Majesty to postpone it." he pleaded bowing his head, all the officials went on their knees as well bowing their heads to the Emperor.

Jun Wu sighed, "The crowning is postponed." he announced, the officials breathed in relief, "Officials go protect the common people." he ordered. Everyone left the Martial Hall right away their spiritual weapons in their hands.

The ghost army was creating havoc in the Heavens as the ghosts attacked each gate of the palace, but soon they received a message to retreat as they saw Heavenly officials clad in armour walking towards them. Xiàn Fèng couldn't find Earth Master anywhere so he ran to the East Gates where Heavenly officials had arrived fending off the ghost army, he ran to the South Gates where it was empty no ghost in sight was there, he looked around to see if anyone was injured but all around him were dead bodies of the soldiers who died in battle, he was about to leave when he heard a familiar scream, he ran in that direction and to the right of the South gates he found Wind Master screaming and shaking violently.

As he neared to her he saw Yú Yìfēi cradling the body of an unconscious Water Master 'Please be alive.' he prayed before placing his hand on Wind Master's shoulder who turned to look up at him, she looked a mess never ending tears flowed through her eyes as she looked at him,  "Wind Master- "

"Fèng! Look at YueYue she won't move!"  she cried, cutting him off.

He quickly checked Water Master's pulse, which was faint, "Yìfēi she's alive!" He informed. Wind Master's face broke into relief hearing that she was alive, Xiàn Fèng gave her a assuring smile. "Let's take her to the Martial hall, officials are fighting off the ghost army." he advised, lifting Water Master in his arms as he and Yìfēi ran to the palace.

Paradise Manor

Half an hour later, she breathed a sigh of relief, Yông Zìxìn was finally stable now, it took tons of medicines and lots of borrowed spiritual power from his Highness to stabilise the General.

"He'll be fine with some rest." she informed, standing up from the floor.

"What about her?" Qiū KūnLín asked as he pointed towards an unconscious Bāo YànQīng in his arms.

" I need to leave right now it's urgent !" she explained hurriedly.

"Report to me after you are done." he said as he comforted a crying MíngLóng.

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