Ch: 23 (Let me stay beside my Master)

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Earth Master and Emperor Jun Wu came outside the room some time later, Yìfēi ran to them, "Is she fine?" she asked, voice broken completely

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Earth Master and Emperor Jun Wu came outside the room some time later, Yìfēi ran to them, "Is she fine?" she asked, voice broken completely.

"She's fine." Shù Zìrán said tiredly. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the news Yìfēi was about to go in when Shù Zìrán stopped her. "Don't go inside. She's sleeping. She needs rest right now. It's better to leave her alone." she explained.


"Someone can stay with her all the time but not more than one person but for now let her rest." Earth Master replied irritated, now that they could focus on other things, it was clear that Earth Master looked extremely tired and depleted but no one pointed it out.

"Elementals go rest, we'll discuss things later on." Jun Wu ordered, leaving them alone. The three elementals, along with the two prince, stood outside in silence as the Heavenly Emperor left.

"I'll stay by Master's side." Jīnyú announced quickly.

"Prince Jīnyú, please let Water Master rest." Earth Master advised.

"I'll go." Yìfēi murmured.

"Don't you all understand she needs to be left alone!" Shù Zìrán snapped, she was always calm and mature. "You two are injured as well. Get your injuries treated and Prince Jīnyú please stay away from her for now. You'll cry and disturb her." she hissed, irritated.

These people lost their tempers quickly, so Crown prince intervened, "Elemental masters please have a rest. You have all done enough for a today, and Jīnyú go back to your room right now." he told firmly.
Xiàn Fèng left to get his shoulder treated with an unwilling Yìfēi who wasn't injured much, Shù Zìrán left right away as well the only person who stood their unmoving was Jīnyú. "Jīnyú didn't you hear me? I said, Go back to your room now." GuānYû said seriously. But the young prince didn't move at all he stood outside the door determined, GuānYû grabbed his arm, pushing him away, he fell to the floor, "Leave!" GuānYû shouted coldly.

He got up and walked back to his elder brother. "I won't leave Gege."

Crown Prince was irritated as it is, and now this boy was throwing a tantrum. "Jīnyú leave. Don't create a ruckus here." he scolded.

"I won't leave my Master alone. Earth Master said that I would disturb her sleep, so I'll sit by the door, but I won't leave." he insisted stubbornly, Crown Prince would have grabbed him by the collar and dragged him back to his room but he didn't wanted to wake up Water Master so he left reluctantly. Jīnyú sat by the closed door, leaning his head against the wall as he prayed his Master would wake up soon.

Paradise Manor

The ghosts were all treated and resting for now. He sat in the main hall once again, building something when someone entered the Main Hall. "Your Highness." a female greeted.

"Go on." came the reply

"Your Highness, General Yông was only supposed to postpone the crowning but he went ahead with the fight. Xià MíngLóng and Bāo YànQīng were only told to attract the guards attention but they also fought the Fire Elemental who didn't let them pass the gates. Qiū KūnLín was to stall Wind Master but she put up a fight so he had no option but to fight back and at last General Yông who had successfully slaughtered the soldiers was stopped at the South Gates." she explained

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