Ch: 26 (Medicines are bitter)

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Paradise Manor

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Paradise Manor

Xià MíngLóng was tired, firstly their plan didn't go as they wanted it to be in the slightest, secondly she was injured badly along with her friends, thirdly her brother who barely managed to escape deaths clutches was throwing a tantrum because the medicine he was supposed to drink for getting better soon was bitter. General Yông hated bitter things and so he refused to drink his medicines, hence here she was trying to persuade her brother to drink it.

"Gege, it's not so bad." she insisted, holding up the medicine bowl to his face.

Yông Zìxìn pushed the bowl back to Xià MíngLóng. "You drink it then." he challenged, making a disgusted face.

"I have already finished my medication. It's you who can't really do things as usual because you refuse to drink the medicine."  she chided, pushing the bowl back to him.

"I am perfectly fine. I don't need these stupid medicines." he muttered, stubbornly.
MíngLóng sighed, giving up when Ghost King entered the room. He picked up the medicine bowl and held it up to Yông Zìxìn's face, who was scowling.

"Drink it up Zìxìn." Ghost King urged softly.

"It's bitter." General Yông narrowed his eyes in annoyance.

"Don't expect it to taste like your favourite pomegranate wine, it's medicine, so of course it's going to be bitter." he stated, casually.

"No!" Yông Zìxìn refused like a child, Ghost King sighed.

"Zìxìn I need you to be in perfect shape if you want to help me." he spoke after a while, which caught the General's attention.

"What do you mean?" Yông Zìxìn questioned.

"We'll be leaving for the Heavens soon," Ghost King answered airily.

"Wait! When? How? Why don't I know about this?" Yông Zìxìn asked, confused while looking between Ghost King and MíngLóng.

"Because you're an idiot." Ghost King teased mischievously.

"Huá! Stop joking around! Tell me why I wasn't I informed about this?"  he asked, irritated.

"You needed rest." Ghost King insisted.

"I am fine." he said back stubbornly.

"Of course you are perfectly fine." 


"Well, let's just say I was testing the waters, and it turns out Jun Wu accepted my peace treaty." Ghost King responded, pacing around the room.

"Peace treaty? Jun Wu?" Yông Zìxìn was confused as hell.

"Hmm, I sent him a peace treaty, and since he would appear cowardly, he accepted it on one condition."

"What condition?" Yông Zìxìn inquired suspiciously.

"That I show up to his palace with only four people including myself." Ghost King replied simply as he looked at Zìxìn.

"Are you mental? You accepted it? He could kill us!" Yông Zìxìn snapped, dumbfounded.

"I have always been mental Zìxìn." he said back casually. "Huá, Are you serious?" Yông Zìxìn asked once again.

"Why, does it seem so otherwise?" Ghost King asked, unbothered.

"That filthy Jun Wu is planning all our deaths already, and now you say you accepted his condition to bring along only four people! I can't believe this." Yông Zìxìn threw his hands up, shaking his head, beyond irritated.

"I put my own condition as well," Huá informed, smirking.

"What is it?" Yông Zìxìn asked cocking his eyebrow.

"No one should be harmed, we won't fight them and they won't fight us."

"You think he'll follow?"

"It's on an official scroll, of course he has no choice but to follow it." Ghost King claimed, gingerly picking up the warm medicine bowl.

"When are we leaving?" Zìxìn questioned, sighing.

"In a week, that's why you need to be in perfect condition. Now drink this up." Ghost King replied, stuffing the medicine in Zìxìn's mouth, who protested angrily.

"You scum!" Zìxìn cursed. Ghost King smiled coyly, MíngLóng left the room as her job to feed medicine was done. They sat in silence, which the General broke. "I can't believe it Huá, I lost to a tiny girl." General Yông confessed bitterly. "I don't know how I lost to her, she wasn't that strong either, she had no experience in fighting atleast not at my level, her attacks were powerful but they lacked experience, she was so small I could have crushed all her bones in a second, but I still lost." Zìxìn's voice mumbled at the very end, unable to look at Ghost King who patted his shoulder.

"You scared me Zìxìn. I have never seen you injured so gravely." Ghost King admitted.

"I don't know how, she," Zìxìn couldn't couldn't put it in words, "I could have killed her in a second blind folded, she's just an elemental I can fight immortals easily how did she win?" He asked miserably.

"I promise you, we are going to ruin that girl, that's why we are going to Heaven. There's something we need from that girl." Ghost King reassured, smirking.


Author's note duty on Earth Master:

Good night everyone, this is when our author has managed to get it done, we apologise for the extremely small chapters but we don't want to include two topics in the same chapter as the word count reaches more than 2500 so make peace with that for now, that's all for the author's note anything else leave it in the comment section, feel free to accuse our author of writing such small chapters, I shall take my leave,

Word count : 791 for the chapter and 100 for author's note

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