Ch: 10 (Scarlet on white)

67 11 49

Ghost Realm, Paradise Manor

A man stood at the wide gates of the infamous Paradise Manor, which was covered in warm shades of red. He walked in towards the main hall, maids and guards moving aside to let him pass. He stood in front of a large hall which had huge red netted curtains wrapped around it, a full pelt white rug was stepped on by the man who had just entered the main hall, and a fiery red-haired man sat at the side munching on an equally red apple, he sat comfortably like he owned this place a small dragon sat on his shoulders which were wide, his tan skin appearing even darker in the red lights, his body was adorned in several scars which he showed off proudly, his eyes landed on the new man's presence, he threw away the finished apple and smiled smugly.

" Looks like official Qiū KūnLín finally has time to spare." rebuked the man's rough, intimidating voice

"I apologise for my tardiness. Your Highness." said Qiū KūnLín apologetically as he bowed down his head.

"Have you started liking that filthy place that you have forgotten about your job Qiū?" bellowed the same fiercely scary voice.

Qiū KūnLín wasn't scared. If it were anyone else in hell, they would have pissed their pants by now because no one dared to answer Chief General Yông Zìxìn when he was angry. "I was caught up in some unfortunate situation, General Yông." Qiū KūnLín answered politely.

"Oh, what sort of situations were you stuck in? You bastard! I want to listen as well." Yông Zìxìn fumed as he towered over Qiū KūnLín dangerously, fierce green eyes piercing the brown ones of Qiū KūnLín.

"The Heavenly Court doesn't work as smoothly as you think General." Qiū KūnLín answered unbothered, the small dragon on Yông Zìxìn's shoulder roared a small fire in Qiū KūnLín's face who swiftly moved back.

"Zìxìn Gege, stop teaching my dragons to be so hot-headed as you." said the voice of a young girl, she entered the room scooping the small dragon from General Yông's shoulder and cooing at the fierce dragon who instantly calmed in her arms, she was the spitting image of General Yông, the same fierce red hair and tall muscular body, she was tanned as well with a bright red burn mark on her forearm which went up to her neck, the only difference they had was she had chartreuse eyes the same as the dragon in her arms whereas he had emerald green ones. They both wore black pants with the girl wearing a green robe on top she had a whip hung at her waist, and she had many small trinkets hanging from her waistband, she looked like a pirate in short. The man by her side grabbed Qiū KūnLín by the collar and pushed him against the wall, his grip tightening around his neck as Qiū KūnLín struggled to breathe.

"Gege, stop it," she firmly told, her voice far brighter and warm than her brother, who was strangling Qiū KūnLín as he waited for General Yông's anger to subside.

"He's late for reporting, I hate tardiness the most." Yông Zìxìn criticised as he continued to strangle Qiū KūnLín while he tried not to struggle.

"He said he was busy. Anyways, I got the man from the docks." she informed, which had the general's attention, who stared at her

"Bāo YànQīng drag him in!" she shouted, a woman dressed in all black robes entered the hall dragging a man behind her with ease, she had blue eyes which were troubling and the grip on her hand tightened, as the man tried his best to hang to the door not wanting to enter, she turned around pulling him in with brute force, he fell in the feet of the dragon girl who lifted him off the floor by grabbing his neck.

"Here, he is Gege. He was trying to sell away the boats without telling me, so I burned his house down." she boastfully said as the man writhed in pain.

General Yông Zìxìn let go of the man he was strangling as he had more interest in strangling the poor man than Qiū KūnLín, for now he could finally breathe, Yông Zìxìn grabbed that man by the hair and pulled him as he walked forwards, the dragon girl right behind him whereas Bāo YànQīng waved at Qiū KūnLín who waved back. General Yông Zìxìn sat back in his seat with the poor man's head under his feet who tried his best to move but couldn't at all, General Yông was too powerful he was the best when it came to fighting, no one equalled his anger when he fought, a beast he was in battle.

"Gege, he keeps saying he has something precious to offer." said the dragon girl while playing with the dragon on her shoulder.

"What is it MíngLóng?" Yông Zìxìn inquired.

"YànQīng bring her in!" Xià MíngLóng shouted. A minute later a young girl was dragged into the Main hall by Bāo YànQīng, she protested but gave in quickly when she saw the man lying on the floor under Yông Zìxìn's feet, she ran to him and tried to move General Yông's foot but she was just a simple girl how could she, Xià MíngLóng grabbed the girl back by her shoulders keeping her in place.

"His daughter, he says he'll sell her if we spare his life." Xià MíngLóng held her firmly.

"Yes, yes I- I will sell her General. Please spare my pathetic life. I will never do anything before informing Miss Xià ever." he pleaded.

"Father!" the girl shouted as tears slipped through her hollow cheeks.

"My sweet child, aren't you my property? I can do whatever I want, so now that I am in debt, I have to sell you to pay it," that pathetic man manipulated his daughter. The girl wailed loudly.

"You are selling her?" Yông Zìxìn inquired cocking his eyebrow in interest.

"Yes, yes keep her, General. I don't want her. I'll sell her to you." the father pleaded, desperately trying to save his life.

"But I will not buy." Yông Zìxìn told the man who stared at him from below, his face pressed brutally against the floor.

"General?" he asked, confused.

"Since you didn't think twice before selling the boats, I don't think even once before killing you." General Yông Zìxìn growled as he pressed his foot on the man's head harder who tried to push his feet, he scratched till blood drew from his hand but the General's foot pressed even harder against his skull, a sick cracking sound was heard in the room followed by the girl wailing for her father, General Yông kicked the dead body of the man who rolled onto the floor right to his daughter's feet who cried trying to pry Xià MíngLóng's hand away from her shoulders, her cries were heard throughout the main hall an attendant came in dragging the man's body away as his blood soiled the white rug.

The girl broke down crying loudly, General Yông Zìxìn gestured for Xià MíngLóng to lift the girls face up she did as told, General smirked, "Take her away." he ordered, a maid came in to take the girl away, to be fucked by the beast later. General Yông loved two things the most fighting brutally and fucking brutally too, the biggest manwhore as Qiū KūnLín would like to put it.

Note: Gege means older brother in Mandarin, it can be used to address your blood-related male sibling who is older than you, or an older cousin brother or any male in general who's older, and used to address males respectfully who are older.
Author's question time!
Who's your favourite character so far?

Word count: 1310

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