Ch:56 (A banquet bullied)

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Senior official Jang's Palace

Senior official Jang's Palace

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Another banquet in honour of the peace treaty, Huá had scoffed enough times at Jun Wu's fake attempts to show how hospitable he is to ghosts, Huá knew the truth Jun Wu was just scared of him, he once again sat by himself drinking wine while Zìxìn talked to MíngLóng a little far from him, while YànQīng stood beside him dutifully observing everyone, Wind Master entered through the gate with a scowling Water Master behind who was dragged to this banquet, ShuîYuê had many things to do other than attending some stupid banquets, but Yìfēi never listened to her and dragged her best friend here,

Another banquet in honour of the peace treaty, Huá had scoffed enough times at Jun Wu's fake attempts to show how hospitable he is to ghosts, Huá knew the truth Jun Wu was just scared of him, he once again sat by himself drinking wine while Zìxìn ...

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Xiàn Fèng instantly went over to his two friends a smile on his lips, " Took a while Yìfēi," he said looking at Yìfēi, " I am surprised to see you here," he added looking at ShuîYuê who just crossed her arms, Xiàn Fèng chuckled at her face, " Why do you hate banquets so much? He questioned curiously,

Xiàn Fèng instantly went over to his two friends a smile on his lips, " Took a while Yìfēi," he said looking at Yìfēi, " I am surprised to see you here," he added looking at ShuîYuê who just crossed her arms, Xiàn Fèng chuckled at her face, " Why ...

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" She fell in front of the stage for a singing competition at school, been this way since then," Yìfēi revealed as ShuîYuê shot daggers at her,

Xiàn Fèng grabbed their hands, " There's a play going on, let's watch it,"

They stood near a stage senior officials sitting in chairs while some watched the play and others chatted among themselves, ShuîYuê honestly found the play boring, Senior official Jang had also arranged a small show in the open ground of his Palace, ShuîYuê dragged Yìfēi and Xiàn Fèng there who immediately hurried to where she was taking them, a performance by some people ShuîYuê didn't know what to call them but they were pulling stunts easily while entertaining everyone,

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