Ch:52 (Piracy)

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Wudu Palace

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Wudu Palace

Jade wandered towards the Ruyi Pavilion with a tea and snacks tray in her hand, when Prince Jīnyú abruptly appeared in front of her, she sighed in relief looking down at the tea tray which was safe from colliding, " You are stepping into the danger zone," Prince Jīnyú warned picking a cream puff from the tray and biting it,

" Sorry ?" Jade furrowed her eyebrows in confusion,

" Ahead lies a dangerous woman she's mad and angry right now, if you want to be safe from her fury I'll advise you to turn around and leave," Jīnyú explained picking the tea cup and sipping it with a frown before adding sugar in it,
" Master and her weird fondness for bitter things," he mumbled, munching on another cream puff to wash away the bitter taste of the tea,

" Why is Master angry ?" Jade asked, peeping over to see Water Master grumbling under her breath while pacing around the Ruyi Pavilion,

" You see Master hates it when things don't go as she wants them to, and she just returned from someplace I don't know where but her plan didn't work and now she's going to be upset and grumpy about it," Jīnyú answered taking another sip of the tea while leaning against the column so he was out of sight from furious eyes,

" Well, it can't be helped if it didn't work. She can't control everything," Jade said indifferently,

" That's what every sane person thinks, Master is different- he replied eyeing the strawberries, Jade handed him one - she doesn't like it when things don't go exactly how she planned them to, she's a certified pessimist who believes that lightning is going to ignore all the much taller things than her and fall right on her head if she leaves the Palace during rain,"

" But lightning falls on the tallest object," Jade pointed out,

" Try explaining that to her, her five-foot-one-inch self who refuses to believe in this simple fact," Jīnyú told humming at the sweetness of the strawberry

" Why didn't she make another plan if this one didn't work?" Jade questioned puzzled

" Oh you did not- Jīnyú shook his head- Master makes a hundred backup plans for every unpredictable circumstances but all her plans number one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve, nothing worked,"

" So what ?"

" Miss maid, Master is a fuming ball of fire when her plans don't work out, she'll burn you if you go anywhere near her, I have experience of four years if you want to save your life, don't approach her," Jīnyú advises taking two cream puffs in his hand and a bunch of strawberries in the other as he walked away, " Don't approach I repeat," he added from a distance as Jade frowned in worry,

She stared at ShuîYuê from a distance, wondering why her Master was so bitter. Why couldn't ShuîYuê be all happy and kind like Wind Master? Jade didn't know, and from Prince Jīnyú's advice, Jade didn't want to be the outlet for Water Master's wrath, so turning around, she walked away hurriedly,

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