Ch: 11 (Plans on ruining the crowning)

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The Main hall was quiet when the General's eyes landed on Qiū KūnLín again he picked up an apple to munch on while he walked to him, "Now you, what report do you have Qiū KūnLín?" Yông Zìxìn asked as his adrenaline rush finally calmed down.

Qiū KūnLín stood straight. He was a well-built man with eyes as dark as coal and hair as light as melted brien sugar. He was fair and wore beautiful green robes. "They will crown him on ghost festival day." Qiū KūnLín informed.

"These people really can't let us enjoy our once-a-year festival, can they!" Xià MíngLóng complained.

"MíngLóng the festival isn't complete without us causing trouble ever, is it?" Yông Zìxìn asked, smiling wickedly.

"But Gege me and YànQīng were going to spend the evening trying the various delicacies in the market." she grumbled, pouting.

"Meimei, don't worry, your Gege will buy you all the things you want to eat." Yông Zìxìn consoled, ruffling her hair lovingly. To be able to witness this beast of a man ruffle his sister's hair without killing anyone for a second was something Qiū KūnLín wasn't used to, no not at all, he had never seen General Yông ever look at someone with love, they didn't joke when they said he would do anything for his sister.

"Fine Gege, but you'll have to buy me a hundred dishes.!" she challenged her brother, who laughed, shaking his head.

"Are you testing me, MeiMei?" he asked, to which his sister smiled at looking silly. "Then this year we'll create such havoc in Heaven that the Emperor would regret keeping his son's crowning on ghost festival," Yông Zìxìn announced, his eyes shining dangerously.

"Where will we cause trouble, Gege?" Xià MíngLóng questioned as her small dragon nudged her cheek, wanting attention.

"Everywhere, dear MeiMei." he replied, smiling insanely.

"The elementals will be guarding the gates." Qiū KūnLín informed.

"Whose scared of those weak elementals? I can fight them all alone." Xià MíngLóng boasted while rubbing her pet dragon's belly.

"Of course you can. They have been useless for the past years. Every year, they fail to protect their people. What will they do this time?" Yông Zìxìn questioned arrogantly.

"But the Emperor changed their positions this year." Qiū KūnLín said, sounding worried.

"What do you mean?" Xià MíngLóng questioned, confused.

"They each protect their territory, but Emperor Jun Wu changed their positions this year." Qiū KūnLín explained.

"What's that got to do with us? We are there to create trouble, so does it matter where we start?" Yông Zìxìn implored unbothered.

"Of course, you'll be able to handle them, but these aren't the same elementals from before, We have not fought these four ever, they have never been seen fighting either." Qiū KūnLín calmly explained the reason for his worries.

"So Jun Wu hired new pigs this time for slaughter?" General Yông Zìxìn asked arrogantly.

"They aren't new. They have been elementals for a few years now, but they haven't patrolled the gates of Heaven they have only been protecting their territories." Qiū KūnLín revealed.

"What are they like?" Xià MíngLóng asked, her eyes shined with curiosity.

"The East is ruled by the Fire Master who's famous for his luxurious life and bright personality. The North is ruled by the Earth Master who had never made a mistake. The South is ruled by the Wind Master who is famous for having acquaintances with everyone in Heavens and the West is ruled by the Water Master who rarely comes out of the Palace." Qiū KūnLín explained.

Yông Zìxìn burst out laughing with Xià MíngLóng following after him they made jokes for a long time before they finally calmed down, "These - these are elementals who will protect the gates of Heaven when we attack." Yông Zìxìn laughed again.

"They sound like a bunch of kids who Jun Wu hired to be slaughtered." Xià MíngLóng snorted.

"General, please assign positions for the attack," Qiū KūnLín requested bowing his head.

"You want me to assign positions for the attack? Do you think these stupid elementals will ever be able to stop us? I can guarantee these two girls will be enough to handle all four of them," Yông Zìxìn bragged, pointing towards Xià MíngLóng and Bāo YànQīng.

"Orders for me, General," Qiū KūnLín requested.

"You just stand by and watch Qiū KūnLín, don't worry about anything," Yông Zìxìn replied, unbothered.

"May I take my leave, Your Highness?" Qiū KūnLín asked respectfully. The person sitting on the divan which had red curtains drawn in gestured for Bāo YànQīng to come forward who drew the curtains out revealing a devilishly handsome man sitting comfortably, his one hand propping up his face while the other was busy building something on a board which looked like the miniature version of the Ghost Realm, he had long black hair in a ponytail adorned in silver jewellery and maple red and black robes, he owned a lean toned body which was snow white, a powerful yet intimidating aura surrounded him, he looked straight at Qiū KūnLín who lowered his eyes in respect.

"You may." allowed his deep yet gentle voice, which was soothing to the ears. Qiū KūnLín bowed before leaving the main hall,
"Zìxìn," he called, General Yông Zìxìn looked at him, as their eyes met, "Don't cause too much trouble. We only intend to postpone the crowning." he told firmly.

"Oh course, I will only give them a good scare, which they'll remember for centuries to come by." General Yông Zìxìn said airily staring at the man's single eye which was obsidian black the other one covered by a black eyepatch.

Note: MeiMei means younger sister, used to address females younger than you affectionately for someone you are close with and consider as a younger sister and respectfully to address a young girl you aren't familiar with.

A/N: What genre do you guys think this story is about?
Thank you for reading. Have a lovely day!

Word count: 1005

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