Ch: 29 (Fight between bestfriends)

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West Chambers

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West Chambers

Yìfēi skipped inside, wondering why her best friend would call her after dinner. She swung open her living room's door to find her in the study, reading some letters," You called ?" She asked, plopping across from her as she looked around the boring study,

" Who told you to accept Official Wen Jie's gifts ?" ShuîYuê asked from behind the letter,

" No one," Yìfēi answered, propping her face up on her palm,

" Yìfēi, you know I don't accept gifts from officials," ShuîYuê said, putting down the letter,

" That's because you are an idiot," Yìfēi commented playfully

" You know I don't like kissing ass, you want something from me be straightforward about it and say it," ShuîYuê spoke sternly as Yìfēi appeared the least bit bothered

" There's a thing called being polite, you need someone's help you try to be polite to them, send them gifts have some drinks with them, get comfortable," Yìfēi explained examining her nails, " Must sound foreign to your tiny ears," she added jokingly

" That's called kissing ass to get want you want, I hate that thing the most, if that official wants something from me she should be blunt about it, there's no need to visit Wudu Palace and waste precious tea when she can tell me what she wants simply,"

" People do that because it's the polite thing to do,"

" If she wants something from me she should just ask, if I can provide it I can help her with it, I will if I can't, I'll simply decline, why waste precious time and energy?" ShuîYuê questioned in annoyance,

" It's just a simple coat, nothing huge, even if you decline her request. It's alright," Yìfēi assured,

" It's not alright! now that you have accepted her gift she thinks we are forced to help her, if you hadn't taken that stupid white fur coat we wouldn't have had to be pressurised into helping her," ShuîYuê argued,

" I took it because I like it," Yìfēi responded, losing her calm,

" You want something you tell me!" ShuîYuê snapped, glaring at Yìfēi, " I will get it for yo -"

" Like I don't know how you will get it for me !" Yìfēi interjected sharply,

" You care about some coat. Does it matter where I get it from ?" ShuîYuê asked, standing up and walking away to cool down,

" It does!" Yìfēi snapped, turning in her seat, " I know perfectly well where you would have gotten that coat. You would have your pirate friend steal it from the cargo of Changan!"

" Does the way matter ?" ShuîYuê asked, leaning against the window,

" I don't want some coat if you are going to steal it!"

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