"Shoot, Leonardo, I have a blanket in the trunk with you I need you to hide, there's a cop behind us, cover up just in case", reaching off to the side I grabbed the blanket, and threw it over my shell. Pulling off my holsters, I shoved my swords underneath the chair, and adjusted the blanket back into place, making sure I was hidden, "We're a mile away until we reach my house".

Nodding my head, I continued to stare up at the ceiling, and dragged my finger against the carpet, listening to the scrapping noise caused by my nail, "彼はなぜ私たちに自分の場所を教えられなかったのか話しましたか?"

(Did he tell you why he couldn't tell us his location?)

Turning over onto my side as my shell faced the front of the car, "Honestly there are a lot of reasons he didn't tell me, and a few of them confused me even more...", Pushing myself up, I kept the blanket pulled over my head, and looked down at my hands, rubbing my thumb against my palm, tracing the lines, "He started saying that everything he has done along the way was all his fault, that this was payment for everything he did wrong-, I tried to tell him that none of that was his fault, but then he told me that he can't tell us where he is, because "he" would kill us, and Mikey said if someone died it would be his fault. But "he" could be anyone, it could be the Shredder, Don Vizioso, the Kraang, Lord Dregg, The Rat King! Shit, for all we-"

"Language", I chuckled as she interrupted me, watching as she pulled into an alley, and put the car in park, "For all we know he could have been given to Armaggon, the least likely is the Triceratons, they've left are planet alone for months..., when we get back we can ask Bishop, if he's seen anything", exiting the van, Shen slammed her door shut, her sillottette walked towards the back and popped open the trunk, "Then we'll have to check out each person, now I have students training inside, can you jumped to the top without being seen?", she whispered, peeking through the window, I noticed the fire escape gave a straight path to the roof, so I nodded my head. Shen reached behind me and handed me a large hoodie, looking over her shoulder, "Alright, put this hoodie on, it was the one Mikey wore in his normal form, so it should hit you-", looking down at the orange hoodie, I pulled it on and put the hood on over my head, hiding my face entirely, "Head to the door on top and wait there, I shouldn't be too long". Hopping out of the car, I raced towards the fire escape and began scaling the ladder to the top, leaping straight onto the roof of the building.

Walking towards the door, I looked around, taking in the view that Mikey got to see and live with for months, it was so...nice. Seeing the city during the day, was so bright, so nice, despite the blaring car horns sounding off in the background, it felt calming. Yet, it felt so strange, standing on top of the building my brother lived in for a while, he was so close, we could have just brought him home, but no one knew...

"Leonardo?", turning around, Shen held the door, I quickly ran inside, and heard her close the door, "申し訳ありませんが、時間がかかりました。一部の従業員が私の助けを必要としていました"

(Sorry it took me so long, some of my workers needed my help)

"It's alright, I didn't wait that long, now um...where's Mikey's room?"

"Oh! Over here", walking past a couch, Shen walked into a hallway, and led me to the farthest room, pushing the door wide open, she walked into the room, and stood right next to the door, waiting for me to enter, yet here I was frozen as I stared into his room, feeling a sense of nostalgia filled my mind. 'This room...looks so much like...the one he had in the lair before he-', clearing my throat, I stepped into the room, and looked over the room, it looked so much like the one at home, posters of his favorite shows hung on the wall, strangely his sheets neatly made, it was a weird sight, he was the messiest, and heres his room, spotless, "You know-", Shen looked over at me, most likely actively listening, "This is actually what his room looked like before he left...", scanning the room, I searched for the painting he spoke about, then my eyes landed on it, an elegant painting of the farmhouse, gradients of colors blending together beautifully, I was stunned, "When did he get...so good at art-"

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