xxix. hidden secrets

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Ron nodded. "Right. Next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know."

"I meant me!"

Rosalyn turned to the sound of glass breaking, she stood up and reached over, grabbing the rock from the powder. "Ow!" Harry winched, rubbing the spot on his head, turning around and saw Dumbledore with Walden Macnair. "Hagrid."

"Oh, crikey." Hagrid mumbled, peering out the window then turned back. "It's late, it's nearly dark. You shouldn't be here. If someone sees you outside the castle this time of night, you'll be in trouble— big trouble.  Particularly you, Harry."

A harsh knock came to the door. "With you in a moment!" Hagrid called out, throwing a blanket over the creature on the armchair. "Quick. Quick." He whispered pointing to the back door.

Rosalyn immediately darted out the back door, she didn't want to get another lecture from her uncle. Hermione and Ron were quickly behind her. Rosalyn sneak around, peering at the three bodies and walked out the home as soon as they entered the hut.

Running down the steep, mudding path and hide behind the giant pumpkins, listening closely as they spoke about Buckbeak and how they should end the animals life. Then the sound of a branch snapping in half caused Rosalyn to turn her head and stared deep into the forest. "What?" Harry noticed her gaze.

"I thought I just— nevermind."

"Let's go." Ron says and quickly they ran back up the hill, heavily breathing when they got to the top, Rosalyn stared down as the butcher lifted the blame above and chopped Buckbeak's head off, Hermione cried, curling herself into Ron's arms. Rosalyn turned to her, a sadden smile appeared on her face, the witch then slowly lifted her hand, placing a hand on Hermione's back, in a comforting way.

"Ah!" Ron winched and Hermione pulled back, Scabbers jumped down from his hand. "He bit me. Scabbers!" Ron chased after the running animals. "Ron! Ron!" Harry and Hermione scurried behind the redhead.

"Seriously! You're real— I guess we are." Rosalyn exclaimed, before running after them, she came to a quick halt when she found Harry and Hermione by the rocks. Ron caught Scabbers by the infamous Whomping Willow tree.

"Scabbers, you bit me." Ron says picking up the creature. Rosalyn gaze up to the tree. "Guys, you do realize what tree this is."

"That's not good." Harry says stepping closer to the girl's. "Ron! Run!" The boy looked up from the ground, fear taking over his features. "Harry! Rose! Hermione! Run! It's the grim!"

They turned back to the giant black dog, it growl jumping over them and heading straight to Ron, launching onto his leg, dragging him closer to the tree. "Harry! Harry!" Ron cried out, reaching out to them.

"Ron! Ron!" The three teen chased after the boy, Harry threw himself onto the ground only barely grabbing Ron's hand as he was dragged inside the tree. "Ron!"

The tree's branch reflected onto them, knocking them back to the ground. Rosalyn stood up helping Hermione and Harry off the ground. "Come on." Rosalyn looked up at the branch's swinging around above their heads and smashed down between them. "Duck!"

Hermione dropped to the ground then back up to her feet and quickly jumped over the passing branch, Rosalyn eye's widen as the branch lifted her off the ground, she held onto the branch tightly. "This isn't as fun as I thought it'll be!" She yelled.

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