"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry threads forward. Draco and his friends cackled, smirking at one another. Draco dumped his bag onto Crabble and stepped down to Harry, he peered up, face dropping for a moment. "D-dementor! Dementor!" Everyone swiftly turned when the blonde laughed.

"Gosh, if only I could turn him into an actual snake." Rosalyn mumbled crossing her arms. Hermione snarled at the Slytherin's grabbing Harry by his robes. "Just turn away, Harry."

Hagrid cleared his throat, drawing their attention back to the teacher. "Da-da-da!" The man sings playfully, the creature was absolutely stunning, grey colored all over, making the creature stand out. "Isn't he beautiful? Say hello to Buckbeak."

Hagrid tossed up a dead ferret to Buckbeak and quickly the creature gobbled it down. "Hagrid, exactly what is that?" Ron asked, staring warily at the creature.

"That, Ron, is a hippogriff. First thing you want to know about hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures." Hagrid explained carefully. "Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you ever do."

Rosalyn looked to her right, only to find Harry already staring, the boy's eyes widened and looked away quickly. "Now!" Hagrid clapped his hands together. "Who's like to come and say hello?"

Rosalyn seemed to stunned by what had happened, froze in place, growing weird with the pit in her stomach. "Rosalyn! Well done." The girl furrowed and looked back in disbelief, Hermione smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

"Come on now." Hagrid encouraged waving his hand. Rosalyn pressed her lips together and stepped forward. "Now, you have to let him make the first move. It's only polite. So... you step up."

Rosalyn did as told, grasping onto her robes in between her fingers. "Then you wait and see if he bows back. And if he does, you can go and touch him, if not—" Rosalyn stared down the creature as Hagrid took a pause. "Well, we'll get to that later. Now, just make your bow."

The young girl stood a good distance from Buckbeak, she bowed lowly, enough that she could see the tips of her shoes. Harry clingy into his wand, watching the interaction carefully.

Buckbeak squawks, flapping his wings. Hagrid stepped forward. "Back off, Rose! Back off." Rosalyn stepped back onto a branch, causing her to freeze and catch her breath.

Harry grabbed Hermione's arm in a reflex, Rosalyn slowly lifted her head meeting Buckbeak's dark gaze. "Keep still." Buckbeak clacked took one move and bow down, meeting to Rosalyn's level.

Hagrid smiled in relief. "Well done, Rose, well done." He tossed Buckbeak another ferret. "Eh, you big brute, you." Rosalyn stood up straight, glancing back her shoulder. Hermione smiled holding two thumbs up.

"Right, now, I think you can go and pat him now." Hagrid said softly. Rosalyn nodded and walked forward. "Go on, well down. Nice and slow there." She reached out to the creature, steady as she could be and Beakbuck bit back.

Harry inhaled beneath his breath, squeezing his grasp on Hermione's arm. "Let him come to you." Rosalyn stood her ground locking eyes with Buckbeak and slowly he leaned down, nuzzling his face against her hand. "Yes! Well done, Rose! Well done." Hagrid cheered, clapping with the class.

Rosalyn smiled faintly, stroking the birds face. Harry dropped his hold on Hermione arm nodding to himself. "She's okay, good, now stop talking to yourself." The wizard mumbled under his breath.

"I think he may let you ride him now." Hagrid mentioned. Rosalyn turned around only to be picked up and off the ground. "What— no! Hagrid!"

"Just behind the wing." Hagrid says, plopping her down on the bird. Buckbeak squawks shaking his body. Rosalyn grabbed onto its neck and turned to Hagrid. "I don't feel comfortable with this, Hagrid."

"No, it's okay, it's okay." Hagrid spoke waving her off. "Don't pull on any of his feathers, cause he won't thank you for that." Hagrid smacked the back of Buckbeak's  butt and the bird took off running, and into the air.

Rosalyn launched into the creature, amazed by the nature around them, the cotton candy sky was a sight to see, she could see her own reflection in the darkness of the Black lake. "Oh my god..." Hagrid watched from below and whistled Buckbeak back down.

Rosalyn brought her hands down Buckbeak's back and onto her lap. "Well done, Rose!" The class cheered whilst they clapped, the creature circled around the large trees. "Well done, Rosalyn!" Hagrid approaches them. "And well done, Buckbeak!"

"Oh, please." Draco stood up. Rosalyn turned her body over, sliding back down to the ground, own her two feet. Hagrid leaned down. "How am I doing me first day?"

Rosalyn nodded. "Very well, Professor." Hagrid smiled shrugging. Draco pushed between two students. "Yes, you're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute?"

Hagrid turned. "Malfoy!" Buckbeak clacked thrashing his wings at the negative energy of Draco Malfoy. Buckbeak rose up from the ground, clawing at the boys arm.

Draco screamed falling backwards to the ground. Rosalyn shook her head, Hagrid stepped forward, trying to calm the bird. "Buckbeak! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Hagrid exhaled grabbing a ferret and tossed it aside. "Away, you silly creature."

"Oh, it's killed me!" Draco cried out, clutching onto his wounded arm. "It's killed me!" Rosalyn walked around the boy, hovering above. "Calm down, will you?" Hagrid waved her off, taking over the situation. "It's— it's just a scratch!"

"Hagrid!" Hermione yells, stepping forward. "He has to be taken to the hospital."

"I'm the teacher, I'll do it." Hagrid says nodding, he kneeled down, picking up Draco off the ground, the Slytherin moped and groaned. "Oh, you're gonna regret this..."

"Class dismissed!" Hagrid said without looking back. Rosalyn exhaled deeply, joining Hermione's side. 

"You and your bloody chicken!"



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