I looked towards Dannie as he stared at the bag full of slop, I pointed at the bag and the tube, lifting my browbone, "Oh- uhhh...it's my feeding tube, I'm honestly surprised you don't remember me wearing it...oh wait I did wear a mask...". Dannie looked down at the bag of food, then looked at me as I pointed at the door, pointing to where the mutant once was, "Oh yeah! That's Centi, they never really talk about themselves, and get this, no one knows their real name! Isn't that cool?! Well, I mean they have told others their real name, but...they kinda all died..as you can tell Centi is an anthropoid Centipede, they have been here the longest compared to the rest of the prisoners, however, they kind of get special treatment, such as they can leave her cell whenever they want etcetera, but that's just because they're the cook for the prisoners here", Dannie picks up his bag and hung it upside down, giving the tube an easier time to suck of the gruel, Dannie continued to talk.

"Over the years, Kraang uses their more science-driven mutants, or just mutants that have the ability to learn and do tasks, to look over the files, and perform tests inside the laboratory. So as one of my daily duties, I got to look over the files and landed on theirs, so I read it, turns out she was the Kraang's very first human they on testing to see how mutagen reacts to the air and atmosphere on earth, which turned her into that...", walking over to the corner, I grabbed the notepad, and wrote down my question.

When did the Kraang come to earth?

He looked over the paper, "Oh! Well, the kraang arrived on earth in the 1940s, however, they started the mutation process the year, 1941, she may not look like it, but because of the mutagen, Centi ages at a very slow rate, meaning she's actually seventy-two years old...", finishing off his bag, he set it off to the side, "From what I heard the Kraang suspect that at the rate her body's deteriorating, she should die in seven...eight-hundred years or so", Dannie turned around and looked up at the clock, "Crap, it's 7:35! Okay, I going to tell you how your lab duties are going to work, and I need you to listen-", he moved himself in front of me, and crossed his legs, "your duties from this point on are simple, however, you have to be very precise and vigilant, you are going to document the growth and features of the mutant babies growing inside five eggs, they going to look weird but that's just because they're a day old. The Kraang are creating mutant soldiers, to fight against the enemy, so the opponent can't tell who's friend and who's foe. Each specimen is the same animal, they're..."Dannie looked away and scratched the back of his neck, seeming hesitant to continue.

"Mutant Turtles and Tortoises...", he looked at me, but I was frozen, 'what...", looking down at my hands I was shocked, 'The kraang are creating...mutant soldiers, but...why do they have to be turtles', Dannie must have known I would be shocked and continued with his spiel, "But, each one originated from different areas of the world, 001 is a Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle from Mexico, 002 is a Chinese Box Turtle from well China, 003 is a White-lipped mud turtle from Nicaragua, 004 is a Russian Tortoise from Russia, and finally 005 is an African Sideneck Turtle from Nigera, each one is created for the sole purpose of becoming a strong warrior, injected with genes that will make the turtles a force to reckon with...", I was shocked, the kraang have been an enemy known for old using its own kind to fight against enemies, and here they are creating mutants in eggs...

"Each species was chosen for a very particular reason, for instance, 001, it's species is known for its powerful jaw and minuscule size, though small may seem impractical, 001 would be the fasting compared to the rest, especially in the water. 002 was chosen for its vast habitats, and diet, making it very possible for the turtle to adapt faster than the enemy. 003's species can swim and see perfectly through the murky water as well as hide perfectly in the area. 004 for its ability to hold its breath for long periods of time, and strong struction. And 005's neck muscles along with their other muscles are quite flexible, and can stretch to almost a third of its normal length...", Dannie continued to talk about the test tube turtles, almost talking like he's given this speech over a hundred times, his face held so much pride as he spoke. 

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