Kissing booth ~ Tsukasa (fluff) *LGBTQ+*

Start from the beginning

One of the girls look back, and when Tsukasa notices, he gives her a wave. He intends to follow through with a smile, but suddenly-suddenly there's something much more important.

Because there you are, nose deep in a book as you wandered, only managing to bump into a few people in the process. You must have gotten lost, a boy like you didn't seem the type to be caught behind the school.

Tsukasa gives you a once over.

You can't be much younger than him, bearing the same ill fitting uniform and unruly hair that come with a certain age.

On another note, you look like money personified. Your uniform is not nearly wrinkled enough for you to be middle class or anything lower. You look so out of place, as if today was your first day.
But your eyes look so pure. They embody all that is soft and caring and guileless. Your irises swirl with life and your pupils glint like precious stones in the sun light.

Tsukasa could stare at you all day. Probably would, if it weren't for the series of people who have finally lined up in front of his booth.

When he looks back out to you, once everyone has left him and he's seven dollars and fifty cents richer, you're still there. The book is long gone now and you're perched against a tree as you study everyone and everything around you. Tsukasa can see your adam's apple bob when you focus in on him.

Maybe you think he is too far away to notice he's being stared at. Or, maybe, you think Tsukasa just won't care. (Normally he wouldn't have but this was a special circumstance) Whatever it is you expect, it still leaves you unprepared for the wink and little finger guns that Tsukasa sends your way.

Tsukasa is stricken. His heart is beating rather fast. He'll be thinking about this for weeks, no doubt. Your face is sparked with pink, and it's almost as though you think you can hide behind your own hands. It doesn't work, but it effectively makes Tsukasa fall even harder.

For the rest of the school day, you continue to linger and Tsukasa continues to flirt with you shamelessly. As well as he can, considering the circumstances and the distance.

Tsukasa's schedule normally consisted of him showing up to class late because he spent too much time at his booth, leaving before the bell rang to get back to that booth, staying out there during lunch, and then arriving to his next class late because of said booth. It wasn't a schedule that one would have if they cared about their grades. Which is why he was so perplexed that you were always out there, almost like you didn't have any classes to go to at all-or maybe you were just a bad kid and didn't care.

He hoped it was the latter. (Because it was hot)

Finally, after a long day's work and slightly chapped lips, Tsukasa leaves his last class and starts to take down the little booth of his. It was just his signs and a wooden crate to put his money jar on but he realized early on if he wanted to stay in business, it's best to not let the teachers find it.

You're still there, eyes on your book trying so desperately to make it seem like you're not watching.

An idea strikes Tsukasa as he stands on his milk crate, going to take his sign down.
It wouldn't be too big of a fall, he thinks, just a few feet at best, if he were to just... tumble to the ground. His sign isn't too heavy, it wouldn't even knock the air out of him it fell on him- it'll work.

When he leans back to unlatch his sign, Tsukasa sends himself backward just subtly. It starts with uneasy feet, unsteady legs and a concerned glance over his shoulder at the ground; he sets it all up flawlessly. And yet, despite the perfect setup, he's still surprised to feel hands on the small of his back, holding him upright.

"That sign doesn't look very heavy" you say, face twisted like you want to smile but not entirely sure if you should.

Tsukasa throws a glance to the book you were once reading now haphazardly thrown on the ground. He sees no bookmark or page marker of any kind, he's smirks.
He knew you were faking.

"Oh, it's not" he drops the sign on the ground casually, pleased with himself, "but it got you over here, didn't it?" He hops off of his milk crate, landing on the ground with a small gesture of his hands, mouthing 'tada'.

You chuckle at his theatrics and send a second glance to his sign.
"You know, 'booth' doesn't have an 'e' in it"

Tsukasa rolls his eyes. If he wanted to be smart mouthed then he would have just called his brother over.
"I personally think it looks better with an 'e' "
Tsukasa leans forward on the milk crate.
"I charge a quarter for a kiss so I don't exactly make enough to hire professional sign makers"

You look at him like he's got two heads.

"That's all you charge? But your so..." you trail off and Tsukasa seems to get the point. Both of you look away, cheeks flush.

Nosily, you look at the money in Tsukasa's coffee can. Eighteen dollars and some change didn't seem worth the work to you.

"What do you advise I charge, then, smart guy...?" Tsukasa leaves his question open, hoping for a name to apply to that weirdly perfect face of yours.

"Y/n" you say simply and pull out something from your pocket
"It's Y/n, and I think something closer to this?"
In your hand you hold out a twenty dollar bill, showing him briefly before placing it in his coffee can.

Tsukasa is frozen for a moment as his eyes look between the coffee can and your face. At any moment he's expecting you to pull the money back out and go on about your day but you don't.

And he's so glad you don't.

"For that much, I can do you one better"
and shit, Tsukasa knows how that sounds, behind the school, by yourselves, when the lights are finally starting to go out. But he doesn't care.

Tsukasa grabs your hand, almost a little too forcefully, pulls out a pen from his pocket and takes the cap off with his teeth before spitting it somewhere and writes his address on your palm.
And that definitely doesn't clear any misconceptions he might had led you to believe but hey, keep feeding him twenties like you just did and he might have to forget his morals for an hour or two.

You, on the other hand, are staring with wide eyes. The hand Tsukasa wrote on stayed levitated in the air as if you were scared to move it even after he let go, while your other one ran through your short hair.

Tsukasa smirked proudly at the look on your face.

"If a boy who looks like me answers the door but is super lame then you've got the wrong twin" he tells you.

Your eyes dart between his address and his eyes.

"Yeah, okay, got it"


( う-')づ︻╦̵̵̿╤── \(˚☐˚")/ ★

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