xv. slytherin heir

Start from the beginning

"That wand needs replacing, Mr. Weasley." The Professor tells him, everyone dialed down on their laughter. Hermione rose her hand. "Yes, Miss Granger?"

"Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets." Hermione asked, it's been circling around her mind all morning since the moment she saw the words written in blood.

Professor McGonagall looked around the classroom, taking a notice of the curious expressions from everyone else. "Very well. Well, you all know that Hogwarts was found over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age. Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin."

McGonagall exclaimed, walking between the two rows of tables. "Now, three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. One did not. Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families— in other words, pure-blood."

Rosalyn looked back, locking eyes with Draco for a split second. "Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle known as the Chamber of Secrets. Well, shortly before departing, he sealed it, until that time when he own true heir returned to the school. The heir alone, would be able to open the chamber and unleash the horror within, and by so doing, purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic."

"Muggle-borns." Hermione confirmed softly.
Professor McGonagall nodded. "Well, naturally, the school has been searched many times. No such chamber has been found."

"Professor?" Hermione called out. "What exactly does legend tell us lies within the chamber?"

"The chamber is said to be home to something that only the heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home— of a monster."


"Do you think it's true? Do you think there really is a Chamber of Secrets?" Ron asked the three others, They walked down the hallway together after class, with nothing but thoughts about what Professor McGonagall told them.

"Yes. Couldn't you tell?" Hermione simply answered. "McGonagall's worried, all the teachers are."

"But if there really is a chamber of secrets, and it really has been opened then that means—"

"The heir of slytherin has returned to hogwarts." Rosalyn says, nodding her head, interrupting Harry. "The question is— who is it?"

"Let's think." Ron sarcastically said. "Who do we know who thinks all muggle-borns are scum"

"If were talking my about Malfoy—"

"Of course! You heard him. You'll be next, mudbloods." Ron exclaimed.

"I heard him, but Malfoy, the heir of slytherin?" Hermione says glancing back at them for a second. Rosalyn came to think about, and couldn't help but disagree, Draco was many things but he wasn't a killer or a person to do anything to bring harm to the school and even she knows, how terrifying he felt when it came to animals and blood.

"Maybe Ron's right, I mean, look at his family." Harry exclaimed, Rosalyn frowned and turned to his direction upon his words. "You're his family! Never mind that— the whole lot of them have been in Slytherin for centuries."

"Crabble and Goyle must know." Ron says. "Maybe we could trick them into telling."

Rosalyn scoffed. "Even they aren't that thick, but there might be another way." Rosalyn stopped in her tracks, they stopped and turned to her. "Keep in mind, it would be difficult, and we'll be breaking some rules and it'll be dangerous."

Harry raised a brow. Rosalyn shrugged, waving her hand at her words. "Who I'm I kidding, I don't care, come on." She says, continuing to make her way to the library. Hermione stood back with Harry.

"Should we reconsider this?" Hermione asked the boy. Harry smiled watching Rosalyn's dark hair swing through every step she took. "It's worth the risk, no?"

"Come on, now!" Ron and Rosalyn turned back to the pair, Harry and Hermione quickly ran down the hallway towards them.



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