
Auggie comes in and sits down places a folder on top of the pizza box. "What's this?"

"Proof, but we can't use it." I figured we wouldn't need to, but I'm still disappointed. It was more of a confirmation that Melissa has made threats to other people. I really think after this deal with JD we can arrest her, especially after talking with the DA today. I pick up the file. Auggie opens the box and grabs a slice of pizza. As I'm looking through, I see that his ex-partner was having an affair with the mayor of Hannibal. I'm assuming when she started getting threats from Melissa, he helped her get transferred.

"Are they still seeing each other?" I ask.

"She says no, that once she transferred their relationship ended. She said we could use the information but wanted us to use it as a last resort. She knows she should have never gotten involved with a married man, but she doesn't want to hurt his wife and kids, if she doesn't have too."

"We will keep it in our back pocket. We won't use it if we don't have to." I drop the files to the table, grab another slice of pizza and turn on "Rookie Blue."


A few more weeks go by, JD is coming down to sign the deal put together by the DA. I've had two lawyers look over it. I've sent it to JD, and he's had a lawyer look over it. As long as JD provides all the information and doesn't lie, he will get immunity. They will use that information to arrest Melissa for orchestrating my attack. We had also provided the other information just in case they needed it. We give his partner a heads up. I'm sure she will let the mayor know. I also had Auggie provide all of the messages and voicemails Melissa has been leaving on his phone. The captain wants to keep a patrol car outside of my house when Auggie is not with me, but I declined. I can take care of myself.

Auggie continues to stay in the guestroom. I know I told him I just wanted to keep it professional, but it's nice having someone here to hang out with. I'm still trying to keep him at arm's length. Last week we went grocery shopping and when I came out someone had slashed my tires. I'm almost positive it was Melissa, but when Auggie had the store pull the tapes you couldn't tell. I could have handled it, but it was nice he was there to help. He went back inside the store and bought four new tires and dealt with getting them replaced and while we were waiting, he went through tapes. The store also put our stuff in their pickup area so our food wouldn't go bad. I wanted to kiss him that night for everything he did, but I didn't. Why wasn't he like this growing up? Someone who stood up and did the right thing for me. After reviewing the tapes, he was convinced it was Melissa too. We could see a figure, but the face was covered so we couldn't see anything. He had completely cut Melissa out of his life. Will that last? Can I trust him? I really want to trust him. I've been stressed about the deal for JD, Auggie noticed and brought me my favorite dessert the other night. He's slowly breaking down my defenses.

We kind have fallen into somewhat a routine. We wake up and run or workout together in the morning. We drive separate to work. We never know how our day will end up, but we have started taking turns cooking or bringing something home to eat. Then we watch tv and talk until it's time for bed. And we do go to separate beds. I have noticed that he has started sitting closer to me. Every once in a while, I'll lay my head on his shoulder, but it hasn't gone further than that. I like the closeness with him, and I feel giddy when he's near, I feel things I've never felt with anyone else, but I stomp those feelings down. We still have a lot to work through. We have to rebuild our friendship.

Tonight, he's going to be a little late we talked a little more and he's going to put his house on the market. He can stay with me until he finds something else. He's going to meet with the realtor to go over what he needs to do get the house ready. I started supper a while ago. I anticipate him home any minute. "Home" I cannot believe my thought. He's only here temporally and I'm already thinking of this as his home. I roll my eyes at myself. The timer goes off and I pull the enchiladas I made out of the oven. I'll wait for Auggie to eat. I walk into the living room and queue up the show we have recently started binge watching. I look at my watch, he's a little late so I decide I'll send a quick text asking how much longer. I'm hungry.

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