Chapter 71

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I want to write a sequel to this story. Maybe one book for each year, like the Harry Potter books?


"What? A demon?" Kanae asked in disbelief.

"Hurry! Before it kills anyone!"

They rushed to the main entrance hall.

There, a demon was kneeling, his fist on the floor, and there was a huge crater on the ground. He looked up at the sound of them approaching, and the kanji on his eyes read...

"Upper rank 3"

"Oh, good. Young demon slayers." He smiled, revealing sharp teeth.

For the first time in her life, Y/N felt weighed down by his presence

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For the first time in her life, Y/N felt weighed down by his presence. There was no doubting it---this demon they were facing was powerful.

The demon stood up, dusting his pants.

"Good night. My name is Akaza."

They hadn't a chance to answer, when they heard students rushing down, awakened by the commotion.

"Good heavens! What is that?" They daren't turn their backs on Akaza, but Y/N could tell that it was McGonagall.

"Everyone, step back!" Kyojuro hollered, eyes still trained on the pink-haired demon.

"Huh? Why should we?" Draco stepped up and questioned haughtily.

Akaza grinned.

With astonishing speed, he lunged at the albino and tackled him to the ground. The students let out a collective gasp. Many backed away.

Flame breathing, first form

Unknowing fire!

Akaza didn't even turn; he simply threw Draco to a corner and blocked Kyojuro's slash with his upper arm. Kyojuro slid back, keeping his balance as he gripped his sword tightly.

"Nice katana," he commented as he licked the blood off the wound. It had already healed.

Oh no! Y/N thought. However, she had no choice but to attack.

Sun Breathing, sixth form

Solar Heat Haze

Akaza flipped and landed behind Y/N. She turned. The slash had reached him, landing only a shallow wound on his chest.

Sun Breathing, twelfth form

Flame Dance!

Blood spurted our of Akaza's arm. His smile quickly disappeared.

"...huh? Why is my regeneration..." He seemed confused. His arm had been split vertically in half, but that wasn't the point. The cut was not healing.

"Press him all at once!"

Mist Breathing, second form

Eight Layered Mist

Insect breathing, third form

Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon

Flower Breathing, fourth form 

Crimson Hanagoromo

Love breathing, sixth form

Cat-legged Winds of Love

Akaza kneeled down on the ground with a thump, his head bowed. Multiple slashes had appeared on his torso, heck and limbs. There were also stab wounds from Shinobu's attacks. However, he looked up with a grin.

"That girl...who is she?" he rasped, pointing.

"You mean Y/N?" Muichiro asked, astonished, but his voice was cold.

"You look like the one...who...almost defeated...his Lordship...that breathing style...and those eyes," Akaza replied, his eyes full of amazement and concealed fear.

Another memory came over Y/N. Her eyes turned misty.

She was standing in front of a raven-haired man with plum-red eyes, her sword held beside her. The man was on the floor, using his arm with a severed hand to support his head. 

Oddly, she could feel the man's thoughts. 

Is Who is that man? Is he a demon? He must be. He's not dead yet. 

Without warning, she heard herself say something.

"What is life to you?"

Lightly edited hehe

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