Chapter 63

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Y/N could barely pay attention at all. Although Snape was treating her badly, she didn't feel anything at all. Her mind just wasn't there, but she completed her tasks quite easily and zoomed out when Potions ended. This peculiar behavior left Snape quite puzzled, and Sirius all the more so.

However, it wasn't like Sirius could match Y/N's running speed, and he was left panting in the corridor while asking himself why Y/N was acting so oddly today.

"Mitsuri! Let's go train!" Y/N shouted excitedly, running to the courtyard.

"Oh, sure! I'll get Kanae, Shinobu and Muichiro. Go find Kyojuro! You're excited to try out your new katana, right?" Mitsuri asked.

"Yeah! Let's meet at the mountain!" Y/N replied. She hurried to the dormitories.


"Oh, hey, Y/N! I was going to find you!"

Y/N spun around.

"Kyo--oh, hi Cedric. Were you looking for me?" Y/N asked.

Grinning, Cedric handed her a book. Y/N took a look at the cover. It read 'Nichirin Katanas: A Guide to Mastering Swordsmanship'. 

"Wow! Cedric, how did you find this?" Y/N asked in wonder.

"I see a book in your book bag about katanas and breathing all the time. I came across this book in the library, and thought you'd be interested." Cedric flashed his dazzling smile again. 

"Yeah! Thank you!" Out of ecstasy, Y/N hugged Cedric tightly. She let go quickly and waved goodbye while running to continue her search. Cedric stood there, a little stunned, before he blushed a little and waved back. But Y/N was long gone.


"Hey, Kyojuro! Let's go train!" Y/N exclaimed, bursting into the Common room, where Kyojuro was reading a book. He looked up and nodded.

"All right! I'll go get my katana!"


Later, they met at the base of the mountain.

"I have an idea!" Mitsuri piped up," let's race to the top of the mountain and down again!"

"Yes! What's the punishment?" Y/N asked, excited. Mitsuri hesitated, looking at Y/N as if she was mentally unstable. (She was, as a matter of fact, but let's skate over that.)


"ONE, TWO...GO!" Kyojuro yelled abruptly.

"Looks like we have to decide the punishment later on." Y/N dashed towards the top. The others followed closely.

Soon, Kyojuro was gaining the lead. He was already strong, and his stamina wasn't too bad either. Then Muichiro sped up. He wasn't even using his full strength earlier! Y/N realised.

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