Chapter 12

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Y/N had to stop herself from freaking out as she charged headlong towards the wall. She was sure that she was going to get a bruise on her head later. However, she could not feel the wall even when she was right in front of it. She dared not open her eyes, but she knew she had to. The amazing sight in front of her left her speechless.

A scarlet steam engine labelled The Hogwarts Express was on the railway, and dozens of kids were scrambling to get on the train. Y/N let out a sigh of relief. Sirius, Regulus, and their mother appeared behind her.

"Wow! I just passed through a brick wall!" Sirius exclaimed, like he had just saved the world or something.

"Let's get your trunks on the train," their father said. He hoisted Sirius' and Regulus' trunks up. Y/N insisted she hoist her own trunk, and did it without much difficulty. She exercised regularly, and although her arms were quite thin, she was stronger than the average person.

Now, besides her strength, Y/N's ears were also quite sharp. She could hear Draco's drawling voice inside the train, and told herself to avoid walking by that section. If she concentrated hard enough, she could sense people's feelings, and even their thoughts.

Their mother hugged them one by one, and gave them their owl cages.

"Remember to write to us," her mother told them, and they clambered on the train.

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