Chapter 29

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Y/N, Kyojuro and Mitsuri went down to the greenhouses, guided by Mitsuri's amazing sense of direction. Y/N was astonished at her ability to locate places in Hogwarts so quickly and accurately.

"Haha! Next time, if we're lost, it would be lucky to run into you!" Kyojuro exclaimed.

Soon, they reached the greenhouses. There were five.

"Oh! You're early! Come in, come in!" a dumpy little witch stuck her head out of the door of the first greenhouse and said. The greenhouse was full of plants. Duh.

But not normal plants. There was a plant with tentacles, and it was reaching sneakily behind the professor before she slapped it firmly.

Soon, all of the other first-years arrived, panting and out of breath. The witch introduced herself as Professor Sprout.

After the lesson, the first-years emerged in groups, sweating and covered in earth. The greenhouse was sweltering.

"At least Herbology's in the morning. It would be even hotter in the afternoon," Mitsuri said. They parted ways. Each house was split into two groups for lessons, so Kyojuro didn't have the exact same timetable as Y/N, even if they were in the same house. She was alone as she tried to find her way to the Transfiguration classroom. Thankfully, she ran into Regulus, who had a free period. He guided her to the Transfiguration classroom, and she found a seat beside Muichiro (no one dared to sit beside him because he looked kind of scary).

 He guided her to the Transfiguration classroom, and she found a seat beside Muichiro (no one dared to sit beside him because he looked kind of scary)

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Professor McGonagall was strict and clever. She gave them a talking-to the minute she started her class.

"Transfiguration is one of the most dangerous and complex magic you will learn at Hogwarts," she told them," anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned."

She took out her wand, and changed her desk into a pig and back again. Everyone in the class was excited to start, but soon learnt that they wouldn't be changing furniture into animals for s very long time. After making a lot of complicated notes, they were given a match and started trying to turn it into a needle.

Y/N accidentally set her one on fire, and Professor McGonagall had to let out a stream of water from her wand to extinguish the fire, which had spread to Y/N's hands. The class was alarmed and Professor McGonagall checked Y/N carefully for any injuries, but oddly, she was perfectly fine even after being burnt.

Y/N got a new match and tried again. This time, her poor match got cut into a million pieces, and was sizzling slightly at the tip. McGonagall, suspecting that she had done it on purpose, gave her one last match and a warning.

Finally, after a million tries ( and lots of cursing), Y/N managed to turn her match into a needle. McGonagall wanted to show the class how it had gone all silver and pointy (like Hermione's) but it burnt her finger. That needle was red-hot to McGonagall, but to Y/N it was fine.

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