Chapter 42

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(A/N: I know there isn't a reserve Seeker, but this is necessary for the plot. Thanks for understanding.)


Oh no, Y/N thought. She was so preoccupied that she didn't notice McGonagall! 

Sighing, she touched down on the ground and made her way towards the professor, who was so mad that foam seemed to come out from her mouth.

"How could you--you could've broken your neck--" 

"Professor, it wasn't their fault! Malfoy took Neville's Remembrall!" Kyojuro stated defensively, and the rest of the Gryffindors in the class nodded, murmuring their agreement. The Slytherins only sneered. Y/N felt secretly grateful to Kyojuro, although she knew that his words would not help much.

"Be quiet, Rengoku. You four! Follow me!" 

McGonagall turned on her heel. Y/N and the others scrambled after her. She caught sight of Draco's sneering face, and scowled. She was going to pay him back in double once this was over. Maybe with some bugs--Draco was terribly afraid of them. As she concocted plans for revenge, they followed McGonagall up a marble staircase, until she stopped outside a classroom. Y/N exhaled. She was slightly worried that McGonagall would be taking them to Dumbledore, and they would be expelled.

McGonagall wrenched open the door and poked her head inside.

"Excuse me, Professor Flitwick, may I borrow Wood for a moment?"

Huh? Wood? Y/N thought, bewildered. Was Wood a cane she was going to use on them?

Wood turned out to be a burly fifth-year boy who emerged out of the classroom looking confused. McGonagall led them into a classroom that was empty. She closed the door shut and turned to the five of them.

"You four, this is Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Wood--I've found you a few decent players that you might want to use for the team."

Wood's expression changed from puzzlement to delight.

"Are you serious, Professor?"

"Absolutely," replied McGonagall, "this girl--she can use some sort of a technique on the broom I've never seen before. It makes her move even faster, even on an old broom. And these two Potters--they could make Seekers for the team. And the boy here--Black, he can be a reserve Chaser. They're naturals on the broom. You can use them for any missing position--they should be able to adapt."

Y/N started to understand what was going on.

"But, Professor--I might not make it for trainings and stuff, I still have training with Kyojuro."

"But can you try to? We need a better team than last year, for sure--Flattened in that last match with Slytherin, I couldn't look Severus Snape in the face for weeks..."

"It's okay if you can't make it, Y/N. You could be a reserve!" Wood chimed in. Y/N nodded, relieved.

"Very well then. I shall speak to Professor Dumbledore to see if we can bend the first-year rule. We ought to get them decent broomsticks."

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