Chapter 18

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" was just a dream! But I'll try. Don't laugh at me if I can't, okay?" Y/N replied nervously. Inside, she was sure that she could do it, but what if - just what if - she couldn't?

"How long will you guys be training, anyway?" Muichiro asked.

"I dunno, an hour?"

"That's a very short period of time. Will you be able to even improve?"

Y/N noticed that Muichiro was very frank when talking, but he didn't seem to have any animosity towards them. She supposed honesty was a good character trait. After all, it was easier to talk to someone who was honest with you.

Soon, the Hogwarts castle loomed before their eyes.

"Wow! It's huge!" Y/N heard Sirius yell.

They got off the boats, and arrived in front of the castle door. Hagrid raised a gigantic fist.

Knock, knock.

The doors opened to reveal a middle-aged woman wearing green from head to toe. Her cloak was green, her hat was green...She must really love the color green, Y/N thought. The lady wore a stern expression and her spectacles glinted when she saw them. Y/N sensed that she was a solemn person but could be quite kind. However, it would be wise not to cross her.

"Hagrid, I'll take them from here," she stated crisply. Hagrid left, and she turned, leading the first-years behind her up flights of stairs and corridors, until they were outside a hall. Hmm, lots of people and chatter. The whole school must be inside, Y/N thought, but there's a particular noise that stands out. It sounds different from a human's. Odd.

"I am Professor McGonagall, the Transfiguration teacher. Later, when you enter the Great Hall, you will be sorted into houses based on your  personalities and ways of thinking. Each house has their own special traits and House Master. I will be your House Master if you are Sorted by the Hat into Gryffindor. The brave will be placed in Gryffindor, the hardworking in Hufflepuff, the witty in Ravenclaw, and the cunning in Slytherin."

Y/N wasn't exactly worried about the Sorting, as she was sure that she wanted to be placed in Gryffindor and not Slytherin, the latter being the house that her parents wanted her to be sorted in. It would be nice to shock them once in a while, Y/N thought.

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