Chapter 7 Wand core

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Y/N lay on her bed, anxious. Various negative thoughts were running through her head.

What if Ollivander couldn't find her a suitable wand? What if she wouldn't have a wand forever? She could almost imagine the look on her parents' faces if she couldn't get a wand. She would never be admitted into Hogwarts.

That night, Y/N had a nightmare.

Sirius was looking at her with a sorry expression that she had never seen on his face before. They were in Platform 9 3/4. She couldn't board the was like some kind of barrier was preventing her from going near it.

"My apologies, Ms. Y/N. I was not able to find you a suitable wand."

A voice whispered into Y/N's ear. She turned, but saw nothing. Then it hit her. That was Ollivander's voice!

After waking up at dawn, she couldn't go back to sleep.

"Whoa, sis! You've got dark eye circles!" Sirius exclaimed when he saw Y/N at the dining table.

"Huh? Really?" Y/N answered. She didn't know that those heavy eye circles made her resemble a panda.

"Hurry up and eat, we'll be heading to Diagon Alley to get your wand," their mother instructed. They chomped down the toast prepared by Kreacher and set off.

"Miss Y/N, I have found you a wand."

Y/N's hopes began to go up after hearing these words. She would be able to embark on the path to becoming a real witch! She bounced up and down in excitement as Ollivander drew out an old, worn box.

"This wand is centuries old. However, no one has ever claimed it since its last user. I thought you could try it out," Ollivander said. He opened the box, and there lay an ordinary-looking wand. 

Ordinary to everyone except Y/N.

Y/N felt familiar with that wand. It whispered words she couldn't discern to her. Odd, she thought.

"Who was its last user?" Y/N's father asked sharply.

"That was long, long ago...but it is recorded in the diary of my ancestor who made this wand. It says that this wand has a unicorn hair and Nichirin core, which is a type of steel, and was specially to for a witch. That witch's first name isn't known, but her last name was supposedly Tsugikuni," Ollivander replied.

Tsugikuni...I feel like I've heard that name before...Y/N thought.

"Try it out already, sis!" Sirius urged. Y/N stretched out a hand towards the wand. It suddenly emitted a bright red glow.

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