Chapter 30

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Although McGonagall couldn't touch her needle (without protective equipment), she still praised Y/N and gave her and Hermione a rare smile.

"I still don't know how you did that," Muichiro said as the first years exited the classroom.

"Huh? The needle?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah! How?! I literally tried everything. Transfiguration's impossible," Muichiro replied, vexed. Y/N grinned and clapped his shoulder.

"You'll be able to do it," she encouraged.

"HEY, SIS!" Sirius yelled from behind, making everyone turn to look at him. Annoyed, Y/N ignored him and continued walking.

"Oi! I know you saw me!" Sirius exclaimed, running up to poke Y/N on the shoulder. Y/N finally turned around, and Sirius flinched a little when he saw her eyes. After all, they were red. And they flashed with annoyance.

"Ohhh? Sirius the daredevil? Scared by his little sister's eyes?" Y/N teased. 

"Hey! I only flinched because you turned around so suddenly! I'm not scared!" Sirius protested. Y/N eyes suddenly flashed a deep red. Sirius gulped and took off.

"I'm not scared, okay?! I'm just practicing running!" he yelled over his shoulder. But still, he ran as fast as he could. Y/N laughed. It was rare to see Sirius terrified like this, when usually he was afraid of nothing, not even their parents.

Saying goodbye to Muichiro, Y/N made her way to the Gryffindor common room. Along the way, she noticed that the paintings in the corridors and on the staircases were looking at her weirdly. Have I got something on my face? she thought, but shook her head. If she had, the people passing her by would laugh first.

"Sun breathing... that's what the Fat Lady said..."

"I heard the she cut someone in half..."

Y/N whirled around. She had cut a tree in half, not a person!

"Her red eyes are creepy..." a nearby painting of a wizened old wizard whispered to another.

Oh no! The Fat Lady had spread it! If the students heard about that false rumor, what would they think?!

Y/N rushed in front of the painting.

"Hey! I didn't cut someone in half! It was a tree! Don't listen to the rumors!" she exclaimed. The subjects in the painting only looked at her in suspicion, and turned. Y/N tried with the rest of the paintings, but to no avail. She wanted to tell off the Fat Lady.

"Oh! Y/N!" the Fat Lady exclaimed when she saw her. Y/N had no idea how she knew her name. She only glared at the Fat Lady, knowing her eyes would make the Fat Lady tremble, as it did with other people. And it did.

"You spread the information Kyojuro and I told you last night, didn't you?" she interrogated. The Fat Lady nodded fearfully. She sighed, and muttered the password. The portrait swung inwards, and she raced up to the dormitories to flop on her bed.

Sun Breathing: Bright Red BladeWhere stories live. Discover now