Chapter 32

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After lunch, Y/N went to the library. She, Mitsuri and Kyojuro had promised to meet near the lake at 2.30 pm.

She didn't go to the library to study, of course. Combing through the shelves full of old, cracked books, she was looking for storybooks. Yes, storybooks. Y/N hated those books that her parents forced her to read, like that stupid "Nature's Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy". She wanted to shred that book so badly.

She had heard about Muggle books in the Hogwarts Library from Regulus. Y/N thought Muggle literature might be more suitable for her, rather than all those dumb volumes that talked about how it was of utmost importance to weed out muggle-borns and blood traitors to ensure a clean, pureblood society.

Shff. Y/N's fingers landed on a book titled, "Pride and Prejudice". Intrigued, she flipped it open. Yes! It was Muggle literature! Y/N immediately went to the library counter to borrow it. She raced back to her dorm.

Y/N jumped onto her bed, making the springs squeak. She opened the book and began to read.

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