Chapter 11

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On the morning of September 1st, Y/N woke up early. She could hear Sirius trolling about and her mother's yells. 

"Y/N! You've woken up? Hurry and go eat breakfast! We'll be late!" Her mother hollered outside her door. Y/N got up immediately. When she went downstairs, her mother was in a frenzy, running around and shouting things like, "Hurry! Hurry!" and "We're going to be late!"

"Mother, it's only eight," Y/N stated. Her mother glanced at her.

"But still! We might still be late!" her mother screeched. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Chill, mom. I mean, we have like, three hours," Sirius said lazily.

"Just hurry!" their mother exclaimed.

Nonetheless, they still arrived at King's Cross station with plenty of time to spare. 

"See, I told you, mother," Sirius scoffed. Their mother only glared at him. They loaded the trunks onto a trolley.

"Anyway, aren't we supposed to be in Platform 9 3/4? I can only see Platform 9 and 10! I only see Muggles!" Sirius remarked. Regulus laughed at Sirius' ignorance. Their father wheeled Y/N's trolley in front of a normal brick wall. He smiled mysteriously, and passed through the brick wall.

"Whaaaaat?! He passed through the wall!" Y/N screamed, waving her arms. Her mother shushed her.

"You can do it too, Y/N. Come on," her mother encouraged. Y/N took a deep breath.

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