Chapter 21

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One by one, Y/N heard Professor McGonagall call out the names of her friends. And her archenemy's.

"Kanroji, Mitsuri!" Looking both excited and nervous, Mitsuri went forward and placed the Hat on her head. Y/N cheered her on silently. The Hat hesitated for a long while, and then-


Yes! Y/N thought. Mitsuri flashed a grin at her before joining the Hufflepuff table. A few moments later, it was Draco's turn. Y/N already knew that he'd be in Slytherin, so she didn't bother to look. She waited in anticipation for Kyojuro's turn.

"Rengoku, Kyojuro!" Kyojuro went up boldly and paced the Hat on his head, smiling. He was the most confident out of all the first-years. The Hat didn't hesitate either.


Kyojuro went to sit beside Y/N.

"I look forward to training tonight!" he exclaimed, as if the Sorting was nothing to him. Y/N nodded. 

Next were the Potter siblings. Y/N had been to playdates with them before, but they were way more pleasant than Draco. They didn't care about blood status. Mr. and Mrs. Potter were also parents Y/N wished she had. Not that Y/N hated her own parents, but she sometimes found their values illogical.

Both Potters were sorted into Gryffindor, without a doubt. Y/N then grew disinterested in the sorting and entertained herself by talking to Kyojuro, waiting for the Feast to begin.

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