Chapter 59

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(A/N: So sorry I couldn't update as fast as I promised to. I felt better, but my mom told me not to. Sighhhhhh... Uh, back to the story.)

"I don't know. She must be really frustrated that she can't train," Mitsuri said softly with her head down.

"We can't leave her here either! What if Tamayo attacks her?" Shinobu exclaimed.

"That's true," Muichiro answered.

"And? Anything else to add?" Shinobu remarked scornfully, rolling her eyes. Muichiro ignored her.

"Stop it. So, what should we do?" Kanae asked in a gentle but commanding tone, making Shinobu flinch. 

They lapsed into silence.

I'm worried about Y/N! Mitsuri thought.

If Tamayo attacks her, she might not be able to fight back with that high fever, Kyojuro thought.

She has no weapon beside her, Muichiro mused.

Should we attack Tamayo first? Shinobu said to herself.

I don't know what to do, Kanae wondered.

They ended up spending the whole night in front of the hospital wing, hiding occasionally when they sensed someone coming. 

"Mitsuri, wake up."

"Huh? It's morning already?"

They took turns to watch the hospital wing. Mitsuri kept falling asleep.

"I hate sleeping on the floor," she grumbled.

"At least Y/N's safe," Kyojuro assured.

"It's odd that Tamayo didn't attack her though. She must've been starving."

"I know right. It's just strange, isn't it? Maybe she was out hunting or something."

"But why would she? She's got a helpless human right in the hospital wing and she chooses to go out and hunt for food?"

"She might not want attention. A student dying in the hospital wing would draw suspicions."

"I don't know. Should we tell Y/N about it?"

"She's mad at us, dumbo."

"Shut up."

"You shut up."

"That's enough. I think we should tell Y/N about it." 

Shinobu trembled at the hint of anger in Kanae's voice.

"Yes, nee-san..."

"We should tell her now!" Kyojuro exclaimed.

"It's only seven," Mitsuri pointed out.

"And she's mad at us, I told you," Shinobu huffed.

Too late. Kyojuro had dashed forward and swung open the curtains.

"Hey, Y/N!!"

Y/N was so surprised that she forgot about her frustration and stopped being melancholy.

"Want to go eat breakfast?" Muichiro asked.

"Um...I guess? I'm feeling a lot better now. I'll just tell Tamayo--"

"No need! Kyojuro and Muichiro'll tell her! Just go eat!" Shinobu pushed Y/N out of the door, and Mitsuri dragged her along to the Great Hall.

(Just had things I wanted to change.)

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