Chapter 54

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"Bye Y/N!!!" Mitsuri called while dragging Shinobu along. Kanae was helping.

"Bye...? Err...I think you should let go of Shinobu," Y/N suggested.

"She's out, so I don't think so," Mitsuri replied, smiling. She actually looked kind of creepy. 

Time skip

Y/N returned to her dormitory to find Storm perched on her bed. 

Weird...Mother and Father told me to write to them, but they're not even writing back... Y/N thought uneasily.

Maybe they're just busy! Or they don't know what to write! Or they only want updates and don't want to reply! Yeah! They should be fine!

I think.

Y/N crawled into her bed, but she couldn't fall asleep until dusk.

She had a bad feeling.

Time skip (Er, yes. Again.)

"Black, follow me to my office," McGonagall instructed, a grim look on her face. Regulus was behind her, looking confused.

"Me or him?" Y/N pointed to Sirius.

"Both of you."

Looking curiously at each other, Y/N, Sirius and Regulus followed McGonagall.

What did you do this time? Y/N mouthed to Sirius. Sirius actually looked pretty offended, so Y/N thought he was innocent.

They halted in front of the office door. McGonagall opened it and beckoned them in.

Y/N studied the expression on her face. It wasn't anger. She felt as if McGonagall had something sad to tell them about.

"This might come as a shock, so brace yourselves," she started solemnly. 

The three siblings glanced uneasily at one another. Even Sirius wore a glum expression on his face. He was pretty much prepared for the worst.

"Did my parents get sent to Azkaban? Am I not supposed to study at Hogwarts?

Whatever they thought, how they prepared did not brace them for this.

"Your parents are dead."

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