Chapter 1 Family

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Y/N Black was born into a pure-blood family, and they never willingly interacted with those who were below pure-blood status. They hated and looked down on blood traitors. They despised mudbloods.

They taught her about the family's noble origins, how it remained pure-blooded over the centuries. Y/N disliked the values that her parents wanted to instill in her. The only person in the house that shared her thoughts was her twin brother Sirius.

"It's okay, we're eleven now. We'll receive our acceptance letters soon," Sirius comforted Y/N one day. She was frustrated about how her parents wouldn't let her play with the Muggles next door, and stormed up to Sirius' room in anger.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah! Didn't you hear Regulus talk about Hogwarts? It sounded amazing!" Sirius exclaimed. Regulus was Y/N's other brother, a year older than Sirius and her.

" I thought Hogwarts is only about studying?" she asked.

"That's because he's boring!" Sirius replied.

"Don't call him that!" Y/N whined. Regulus was always the first to run to her after a fall, a tantrum or anything else. He would always have a plan to cheer her up. Sirius was the more careless brother.

" Fine, fine. But you should be more excited!" Sirius exclaimed. Y/N nodded.

"LUNCH!" their mother yelled from downstairs. Both Sirius and Y/N rolled their eyes.

"Two Sickles?" Sirius betted.

"You're on," she replied. Both of them went down.

" Really, Mother?!" Y/N heard Regulus say," Maggi noodles again?!"

"Two Sickles," Sirius whispered to her. She grunted in reply.

 "Take it or go hungry! We shouldn't work Kreacher too hard!" their mother stated defensively. Y/N was in disbelief about how often she used a Muggle food item. Grudgingly, she took up a fork and began to eat.

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