{Chapter 1}

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POV Mikey:

Looking at the ground, my pace was slow and steady, following the droid close behind, the droid continued to walk with the remote tight in his grip with its thumb hovering over the button. Lifting up my gaze, I stared at the back of the droid's head and scratching the side of my neck, breathing grew more difficult with each step I took, I looked out the window and watched as the sun continued to set, 'It's okay Mikey, Mom's coming, she just outside the building, ready to save you', the droid came to a stop as he stood beside an open cell, I walked towards the entrance, and looked inside the cell, shivering as a rush a cool air flowed past me. "Get in", when I looked back, a droid stood behind me and shoved me into the cell, causing me to fall to my knees, I glared back at the robot.

"Close the door", a Kraang droid walked into the room and stood in front of me, his arms were placed behind his back as he stared down at me, his thumb hovering over the button with his arm rested against his side, "Stand Mutant-", his voice sounded so much more clear and human compared to the rest of the droids, yet his voice held so much authority, he walked forward, waiting for me to stand, but I didn't...I sat there, glaring at the robot that stood above me, "Fine...", he didn't even look at the remote, and pressed the button.


My breath was caught in my throat, and pushed myself slowly up to my feet, I stood there and glared at the droid, "Good, now let's get things clear, mutant. Every prisoner is given a number, that is their name. Yours is 013-202012, remember that. From this point on this is going to be your new home, but do not think for one second that this cell is your safe place, you need to remember that nowhere in this building is a safe place for you-", I glared up at him as I continued to scratched my neck, "-it is your job to remember the position of the cell, if you forget and get lost, you will receive a punishment, if we catch you outside of your cell outside during times when you are ordered to be in said cell or in said duty, you will receive a punishment, do I make myself clear?", I glared at him, the only sound filling the silence was my heavy breathing, he didn't like that answer, stepping back he pressed the button, pressing all the force of his thumb into the button.


I fell to my knees as I gripped my neck, coughing up wetly, and fell to my hands, one held me up, while the other gripped around my neck, tensing as my body started seizing, I reached for the droid only for him to step back, he knelt down and released the trigger letting the sharp shock end instantly, "Do I make myself clear", I nodded and gripped the sides my head as I started feeling dizzy from the sudden motion, whine internally as the inside of my throat felt raw from the shock, 'It hurts...it hurts...', the droid pushed himself up to his feet and looked down at me, "Stand", with all the strength I could muster, I stood to my feet, and stared at him, the droid in turn only laughed and leaned against the wall with the remote still in his fingers.

"Here is your daily schedule, at O'eight hundred, you are to arrive at the south-side laboratory on this floor, you will document the specimens assigned to you, and your partner will go into further detail. At fifteen hundred, you have training until twenty-one hundred, when training ends, you will have twenty minutes to get to your cell, if you don't arrive on time, you will receive a punishment. However, once a week on the seventh day, you will arrive at twelve hundred, you will be assigned to the north-side laboratory, where I will accompany you as the lead scientist, during the testing, and processing of the Transformation Cell since you stole and refused to tell us the location of the crystals. Every Earth day, you will receive two meals, one will be given at O' seven hundred, and the other will arrive at the same time you are expected to arrive at your cell at the end of the day. Do I make myself clear"

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