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Officially the end, thank you for joining me on this journey!

(Shameless plug but check out my other story on my page called "Focus" if you liked this story and want to keep reading my work!)

Anyways... enjoy!!!



5 years later...

"How come no one wants to play with me?!"


Chase made that sound with his mouth and nose like he always did as he grumbled angrily, similar to an engine revving.

"Helloooooooo!!! Why is no one listening to me?????"

"Nobody wants to play with you because you're a baby and nobody's listening to you because you're annoying," Xavier answered, not looking up from his book once.

"I'm not annoying and I'm not a baby!" He yelled, throwing his toy car onto the ground... just like a baby would.

It bounced off the rocks and the sound of it cracking was loud.

Both Carter and Xavier leaned forward off their chairs to see the toy car had snapped in half from the impact.

Chase's face balled up in anger when the two of them laughed at his stupidity, because that was his favorite car.

"Mommmyyyyy!!!" He screamed, ready to snitch on them.

"Leave her alone," Carter said before he could walk over to Nico.

He ignored his father's command, stomping over anyways and violently shaking her from where she was laying down and tanning.

"Mommy!!!" He barked.

Nico ignored him, not in the mood to deal with him just yet.

She was just about to fall asleep before he came over her yelling like usual.

"Aye," Carter reached forth, grabbing his son's arm and pulling him back. "You ain't hear me? I said leave her alone."

For the most part, they were all just relaxing out on the rocks, having come back from playing in the water most of the afternoon and were all equally tired... except Chase.

The little boy snatched his arm from Carter and started to punch him, his weak little punches landing all over Carter's legs.

He just laughed some more, angering the small boy.

"What do your cranky ass always got an attitude for?"

"Because!" Chase paused, as he couldn't beat up his dad and yell at the same time. "Eli won't play with me and you're not doing anything about it!"

"I can't force him to play with you," Carter shrugged. "I'm on his side."

"You always take his side.. it's not fair!!!"

He went back to punching Carter.

"I take his side because he's my son," Carter answered, leaning back into the chair, letting the small boy get his anger out.

Xavier glanced up from his book to smirk evilly at his younger brother.

Chase made that grumbling noise again.

"I'm your son too!"

"Maybe," Carter shrugged. "But I know for sure that Zay is my son... the doctors did a test to prove it. You? I don't know about you. You could belong to that man over there for all I know," he pointed to the cable guy on their roof, installing their home internet system.

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