Fifty-five (Part 3)

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Last one for a lil while so enjoy 😅😅

The end of the second/beginning of the third trimester:

"We shoulda got you a Burberry shirt," Jalen joked as he followed Carter into Nico's childhood home.

Carter snorted.

The theme of the baby shower was blue, for obvious reasons, and as they entered the backyard, they saw it was a throw up of blue everywhere.

There was a sign by the stand where the cake and balloons and party favors and gifts were that said 'Boy oh Boy!'.

He didn't think they were late as they showed up exactly the timing that the invitation said, but the backyard was already full.

"Dawg," Jalen laughed as he gripped Carter's shoulders and squeezed. "This is crazy..."

He couldn't believe his friend was having a kid.

Sprinkled around the backyard amongst Nico's friends and family were some of his friends and family as well as he had finally shared the news of her pregnancy. His aunt Lisa and her two daughters came, as well as two of his other aunts Julia and Elodie, Jess also showed up, and so did Diane and her daughters. Although he couldn't see him, he knew his dad was here somewhere.

Nico was nowhere to be found, obviously, as it was a surprise baby shower, and he figured that was probably why everybody had shown up on time.

"Carter.." someone grabbed his hand as walked further into the backyard and he turned to see Nico's mother standing there smiling. "I'm so happy you joined us.."

Carter smiled and nodded.

Angela's gaze shifted to his friend.

"Jalen," he introduced himself with a smile. "The God daddy.."

Carter just looked at his friend.

"Well, welcome and have a seat anywhere. Nico should be here in about ten minutes. I think the men have chosen to gather over there," she pointed to the furthest table on the left.

There weren't many of them, as it was mostly women there, but he dragged Jalen along with him because he didn't want to be the only dude, so he was relieved to find out he wasn't.

Carter greeted Diane with a kiss on the cheek and said hello to the other people he knew both on his side and Nico's side before he took a seat at the table on the right.

Jalen joined him after placing the gift down on the table, but Carter had already been pulled into a conversation with the man next to him.

He didn't even get his name before the man spoke, and Carter wondered what connection he had to Nico, if any, because he spoke about her like they had been best friends for years.

"She is just the sweetest girl," he gushed. "I'm honored to be invited.."

Carter nodded his head.

"And do you hear the way she speaks to the baby? He's going to be filled with so much love the moment he's born. She's doing a great job.. I tell her all the time."


"She's coming!" Gianna announced to the backyard and everybody stood and quieted down.

They waited for an entire minute in silence before the backyard door was slid open and Nico appeared with Jada behind her, grinning wide.

"Surprise!" Everybody yelled, and she laughed a beautiful laugh as she walked down the steps carefully, not seeming surprised at all.

"Wow. Thank you guys.." she smiled.

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