Fifty-two (Part 2)

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Nico and Carter sat next to each other, sharing a plate of tiramisu.

He had brought her back to that same Italian restaurant they had their very first date at, over a year ago, and even managed to get them a seat at the same exact table.

This time, like all the other tables, it had a candlelight and a rose in a glass vase.

Scent had the ability to pull memories out of you that you didn't even know existed, and the smell of the restaurant made Nico remember the nerves she felt in her stomach sitting next to him that night.

She couldn't remember what she wore or what she ordered, but she remembered how she felt, and it amazed her, that a year later, she felt the exact same butterflies in her stomach sitting next to him.

Carter smiled as he put his fork down, resting his elbows on the table.

"Whatchu so quiet for?" He asked after he swallowed what was in his mouth.

"You make me nervous," she admitted, forking off another piece of tiramisu.

She held his gaze as the dessert disappeared into her mouth, and she pulled the clean fork out from past her lips.

Carter's eyes were stuck on her lips for a moment before he smirked, dragging them back up to her eyes. "You forget to talk when you're nervous?"

She was like a different person compared to the girl talking his ear off not even six hours ago. For the most part, he was carrying their conversation that night at dinner.

Nico nodded 'yes' as an answer.

When she got nervous, she forgot how to speak.

He leaned back against the booth. "Quit.." he told her simply, like it was that easy.

And then he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close as he kissed her cheek.

"Makin me feel like I'm a stranger.."

Nico buried her head into his shoulder. "You doing that makes me more nervous..."

She felt his shoulder shake with his laughter.

Nico leaned away from him, her gaze shifting to the dessert that was halfway eaten. It was a really large slice, and it looked like Carter had given up a few bites ago, but was only eating here and there to help her finish it.

But he was more than full from the actual food they ate.

"What do you think about where we are right now?" She pushed the tiramisu around with her fork.

"I think we're in a good place.." he said, his hand rubbing her shoulder still.

Nico nodded, agreeing. "Are you satisfied?"

She was checking in, to see what page he was on and if it was the same as hers.


"Yeah," she said, looking towards him now. "With me. Are you satisfied with me?" She clarified.

A smirk grew on his face as he gave her a once over. "Oh trust me, I'm very satisfied," he chuckled.

Nico playfully rolled her eyes. "Not sexually, Carter. I mean with me as a partner. My communication, or any of the changes you wanted to see from me when we got back together.. are you happy? Am I meeting your expectations?"

She just wanted to make him as happy as he made her.

"Yes," he answered, not even having to think about it.

She made him the happiest man in the world.

"Am I meeting yours?" He asked her.

"My expectations are here and you're here," she gestured with her hands to show he surpassed them completely. "You're literally the most perfect boyfriend in the world. So attentive and caring and funny and understanding and thoughtful," she kept listing the words that came to mind every time she thought of him. "You make me feel loved all the time. And I'm so lucky–"

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