Sixty-two (Part 1)

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Nico yawned as she stood outside her apartment building.

She should have known when Carter texted saying he was downstairs that he was telling a lie, because she was usually late coming down. Today though, they were ready early as she had to get two people down. Xavier was sitting in his booster seat that she rested on the sidewalk in front of the little drive in area outside their building.

"Where's Daddyyyy?" Zay whined, a bit cranky as she had waken him up early.

"He's coming," Gianna muttered behind her sunglasses, equally tired, as she sat on the curb since Nico got them out the apartment in a rush.

"I thought he was here," Nico said she grabbed her phone to shoot him a text.


His response was immediate.

At the stop light

She glanced up to the stop light he was referring to, right down the street from her building, and didn't see his white car anywhere.

And Yas is coming..... lol

Nico stared at the text message for a long time, her blood boiling instantly at the words... and the fact that he was telling her at the literal last minute when he promised otherwise.

He was really bringing a bitch he was dating for one second to a very intimate place??

A car pulled in front of them, but Nico didn't pay attention to it as her gaze stayed fixed on the words on the screen. The car was a black SUV and not the white sedan Carter usually drove, so she was surprised when she heard Zay start yelling.

"Dadddyyyy!!" He jumped up, getting his energy out of nowhere as Carter rounded the front of the car.

Nico looked into it as even though the car was tinted, so could make out Yasmine's wave.

She turned to look at Carter.

"Ayee... you look ready to go.." he said, bending down to pick him up with one arm while the other lifted his booster seat before his eyes ran over Gianna, still looking hungover from the other night. He chuckled. "And you look like shit.."

"Shut up," Gianna responded as she stood up to grab her bag, looking at the SUV briefly. "New car?"

"Nah. Copped a rental because we need more space," Carter said, not even glancing at Nico once, ignoring the hot gaze she had on him the entire time.

Gianna didn't even glance into the passenger seat as she walked by, dropping her bag off by the trunk and then rounding the car as she swung the front door open.

"What the fuck?" Gianna spoke the words on Nico's mind when she saw somebody sitting in her seat.

"Hey Gianna," Yas smiled, as they had met before at Carter's shop.

Gianna looked from her friendly smile across the top of the car where Carter was putting Zay into his seat.

"...What the fuck?" She repeated, fuming way more visibly than Nico.

"Chill, Gianna. You can ride in the front on the way back."

It wasn't even about riding in the front.

He said she wasn't coming.

"You told me she wasn't coming," Gianna called him out, speaking about Yasmine like she wasn't there to hear it.

"I never told you that," he retorted as he buckled Xavier in and then stood.

He gave her a look over the car.

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